Monday, December 11

Whistle while you work

I was in a different office today for a staff meeting, and had to sit through something very annoying, and funny. One of the 15 people in the room was breathing heavily through their nose, and every time they exhaled, you could hear their nose whistle. And it was a very clear whistle. I am not sure who it was, but I had to hold back my laughter from time to time. And I am sure others were doing the same.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Okay, this is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. My sister and I used to laugh at this exact thing when we were younger and would hear the noise. We called it 'birdies' in the person's nose. (Due to the whistling sound.) Now, my husband knows what it is and we can't help but laugh hysterically if one of us hears it. It just never gets old.