Thursday, December 7

I am a pretty laid back person, in general, but there are certain things I see on a daily basis that annoy the hell out of me. Allow me to spread my misery with all 5 of my readers...

Lazy Business Men: You know the ones I speak of. They have to have the bluetooth earpiece for their phone. But the biggest thing is when I see them pulling a laptop case/briefcase on wheels. Come on guys! A briefcase, or a laptop is not that heavy. I can understand women using these, because let's face it, they put more stuff in there than needs to be (make-up, pager, the days lunch, a copy of the latest People and Working mother magazines) which all add weight. For a guy, if you really need to use that thing while you carry your bottle of Fiji water, and talk on your bluetooth, then you are not a man. It is obviously not that heavy because I see them pick it up to walk down stairs and swing it up to put in the car. I just find this to be lazy for something so small.

Bad drivers complaining about other bad drivers: A coworker here likes to drive when we go out to lunch. I agree, saves me gas and I don't lose my spot in the lot. The only downfall? His driving sucks. He rides peoples asses all the time, and is always late on the brake! I sit there quietly pressing my foot on the floor hoping he will pick up on my vibe and apply the brake sooner. My main complaint is, he is always bitching about other drivers as he is driving. A guy pulls out of a driveway ahead of us, he will wait till the last second to brake and ride his ass, even though the guy did not cut us off. But the best part is, when I drive, he is always saying things like "Look out for this jackass!" and trying to tell ME how to drive! Drives me nuts.

People on your heels in line breathing down your neck: Everybody has been here. You are in line waiting to get your lunch, groceries, coffee, whatever....and the person behind you is in such a hurry that they think by standing on your heels, huffing and puffing about how slow the line is, will actually make the line move faster. (coworker above is also guilty of this when we run errands on lunch) You have the people that mumble under their breath, and you also have the people that either smack their gum, or breath like a bull in the streets of Pamplona. We live in a rushed society, I understand this. But breathing down my neck and complaining under your breath is not going to make the old lady behind the counter speed up any.


Some Guy said...

I'm right there with you on the bad drivers calling the kettle black. I know a bunch of these people. When I'm in the car with them I just hold on tight and hope for the best!

McGone said...

It could be worse... you could have some guy standing on your heels and breathing down your neck while you are using the urinal in the men's room. So think positive, champ!

Nanette said...

hehe...I totally do that thing with the foot when I am a passenger....people scare the crap outta me! I am very anal about following distance as I understand the physics involved and the inherent nature for mechanical items to fail :)

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I have a friend that drives like that and I refuse to ride with him. Seriously, he thinks he's an awesome driver, but he's been in tons of accidents and I haven't been in one for five years (knock wood).

I do not care to give myself up for dead when I enter the car as a passenger.

Utah Dagger said...

The first one I don't see much of. The second one I'm guilty of....but the last one annoy's the hell out of me! I have one to add. The guy in Walmart who is in such a hurry he has to run by you and cut you off while your pushing your cart. I don't take it anymore. I clip their ankles with my cart. Dropped a guy to the ground in Walmart the other day. Maybe he'll think twice before doing that next time.

mansionmogul said...

Oh I hear ya. It sounds like these people are "breaking your balls". New favorite phrase. Balls. And I hate ball-busters who are pushy and breathing down your neck. A-holes.