Wednesday, September 20

Today’s Definition of Irony

Frequent BMI commenter* BPDP (a.k.a. the only person not named McGone or Slinger that reads the BMI) has a hard time figuring out what the word irony means. As a public service, I like to help with examples. Like the time I stayed up late reading an article on coffee because I was having issues with caffeine, and the next morning I had to stop and get a cup of coffee because I was tired from being up late reading the article about coffee. (Did you follow that?)

Today’s definition comes to us courtesy of the Ford Motor company, specifically their line of Mercury vehicles. They’ve been making quite a push lately. I know this because their spokesperson is the lovely Jill Wagner, an aspiring actress whose credits include a stint on Ashton Kutcher’s Punk’d and Spike TV’s Blade series.

The irony comes from the opening line of the commercial:

“It’s about time you notice Mercury, and not just because of its looks.”

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this commercial, but I honestly couldn’t describe any of the vehicles. At this point however, I probably could tell you what Jill was wearing in the commercial. All right, I definitely could tell you, but I won't.

Honestly, do they really expect any red-blooded American guy to pay attention to the cars when she's strutting around in every frame?

Hope that helps, BPDP.

*It’s a real word, I looked it up.


BPDP said...


iron-E; Matt Wall and I drew pictures of a clothes iron and the letter E in English class when we were supposed to be learning the definition of irony...might explain my confusion!


Slinger said...

Good god! I hope you are joking BPD! but at the same time, that sounds about right.