Wednesday, July 19

TV sucks

What is it with the American broadcasting networks? I mean, I understand it is summer re-run time, and the only station showing a new season of shows is FX (Rescue Me, Always Sunny in Philadelphia), but damn there is NOTHING on TV tonight.
You have your usual local market baseball games, White Sox and Cubs. Don't get me wrong, I love baseball, but being an Atlanta Braves fan, my game watching is limited.

Anyway, on the 3 major networks tonight, at 7pm CDT were the following:
CBS - Rock Star: Supernova
NBC - America's Got Talent
ABC - The One: Making a Music Star

at 8pm CDT on FOX - So You Think You can Dance

COME ON! Do the network execs really think these shows are any good? How many more shows can produce the next BIG MUSIC STAR?!?!? It's so sad that television has resorted to this. It's evenm more sad that MILLIONS of people will line up at a chance to look like a fool on TV. Just look at the Real World on MTV, that is a joke.
Hell, even The Discovery channel has gone to the reality fad. I remember when Discovery channel used to be Bears eating fish, and Lions chasing down Gazelle in the Sahara, now THAT was reality TV!

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