Tuesday, July 18

Putting the "F" back in Freedom.

I watched Team America: World Police the other day, and that movie is so funny, especially now with all the crap that is going on with North Korea. For those of you that have not seen that movie, it is from the South Park creators, and basically rips on everyone in Hollywood and the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. Oh, and by the way, it is done entirely with marionette puppets, which makes it 100 times funnier.

But the story is that Kim Jong Il is planning to detonate hundreds of WMD's across the world and cause another world war. Gee, kind of sounds similar to what he is doing now, except now he is getting everyone's panties in a bunch by shooting off a bunch of test rockets. Which someday soon could possibly carry nuclear warheads. Nice.
South Korea and Japan are sweating the most, as expected with them being the closest neighbors that Kim Jong Il does not like.

Back to the movie.... The MPAA gave this film an R rating, accompanied with the specific explanation "For graphic crude and sexual behavior, violent images and strong language - all involving puppets." When you read that, don't you just want to laugh? Now, the film has a very detailed sex scene, well as detailed as you can get with 2 puppets with no genitalia, but it is so damn funny. This movie is so wrong, that it is SO funny. It pretty much makes fun of all of the Jerry Bruckheimer movies and rips on all of the political activists in Hollyweird.

Team America: World Police - America, FUCK YEAH!


McGone said...

The funniest part is watching the outtakes and seeing what part of the sex scene (again, between puppets) they had to cut to get an R Rating. The old farts at the MPAA actually sat there and had to make the decision that yes, it is now less crude since they cut the shot of the puppet tossing the other puppets salad.

Slinger said...

I did not see the DVD, we bought it on PPV, which sadly did not include any extras.