Tuesday, July 18

Braves kill the Cards

This post is for BPD, since he is a Cardinals fan, and I am a Braves fan....

The Braves continue to sizzle since the beginning of the second half. Wow BPD.. your Cards received a 15-3 shilacking by the Braves, thus ending their 7-game winning streak. That has to be hard to watch.

In the 4 games since the All-Star break, the Braves have scored 51 runs and hit 15 home runs, that's incerdible. They need to start heating up if they are going to catch the Mets!


BPDP said...

I don't think I can take this! First the Cubs sweep...then "McGone's" (White, this time) Sox beat-up and sweep my boys...now "your" Braves beat "us" up (hopefully no sweep!)...what the F*@k!!!

Probably see you boys in the play-offs (again)! Speaking of which, I'll give my same (LAME) excuse I used with McGone...LaRussa didn't want the pitchers to give away their "good stuff" since they might be meeting in the playoffs!

A BPDP Update: Speaking of baseball, I'm heading to a single 'A' minor league game tonight in Auburn, NY (Doubledays - Blue Jays affiliate). Promotion tonight is free general admission tickets (only $4.50, anyway)! With the way the Cards looked against the above mentioned teams, I'll bet these guys tonight could play better.


Slinger said...

So you kickin it in NY this week I take it?

BPDP said...

Yep! Can't beat FREE fun at the little ol' ballpark in upstate NY! Finish up work today, fly home tonight.

Before you even post it, because I have a busy day...

What the F@#k, Cardinals! Another BIG loss, to a another friend's favorite team, none the less! They better at least take one out of this series!


BPDP said...
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Slinger said...

Yeah, that is a shame, isn't it? Another BIG loss is right.