Twenty Four / Drive
Well, I sat through another hour of 24, but thankfully I was working on my finances at the same time, so it was not as hard to stomach the boredom. (I know, how can balancing a check book be fun? )
China wants the component, Palmer passes out, V.P. is still in the game (along with his ugly assistant) and Jack and Ricky have a showdown. And oh yeah, Jack will sacrifice everything for a woman, again.
This whole China/Audrey storyline better work wonders for this season.DRIVE
I watched the second night of the premiere and was pretty happy with it. Nathan Fillion is a damn good actor, and tonight had a little more action/drama in it, I thought. Should be interesting to see how this show does in the ratings, and if FOX will keep it around.
On Sunday night there was a great moment when he was arguing with a woman, and she asked him "How can you cheat in a game without rules?" And he replied "I don't know! I missed the orientation." It was pretty funny the way Fillion delivered the lines, and if you saw the beginning when he did actually show up late to the orientation. This show has some potential to be pretty good, as long as they don't get all stupid with the plot like they did in "Prison Break".
I figure it this way... "Prison Break" is pretty ri-goddammn-diculous, but they have signed it on for a 3rd season, so "Drive" should have a chance to stick around for a few seasons.
Nathan Fillion will always be Mal from Firefly/Serenity to me so I can't watch Drive. I'm weird like that with certain actors.
And I rolled my eyes when reading that Prison Break is doing another season. I guess I knew they were going forward since there wasn't a big series finale but c'mon!! Another 20 some episodes of them chasing each other around South America? Really?! So over it.
Somehow I missed "Drive," which I regret. I hope they rerun it.
Nicole - 20 more episodes of T-bag surviving having only been tended to by a VET! I hope he is not in season 3.
Drier - it was pretty good, but has the potential to be better. I know McGone missed it too.
Drive is doomed... Nathan Fillion and showrunner Tim Minear are too good for television. Audiences only want to see washed up celebrities dancing or singing.
Or villians with one hand running all over killing people with his bare HAND.
Or Doctors in seattle that do nothing but back stabd and cheat.
OR housewives that are desparate.
OR bad singers trying to impress Crazy Paula.
Hey! I like those shows!! Don't go making fun of them - I could give a few snotty tidbits of those so called "shows" that you watch! Though I have to admit, AI this year is SO boring! But don't go taking shots at GA or DH. :)
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