Saturday, April 14

How I spent my Friday the 13th

I was watching TV Friday night and totally forgot it was the 13th until I started seeing all these horror movies on every channel. So I decided to watch a few that caught my eye. My first selection?


If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend it. Just like Dawn of the Dead, but with British humor.
Simon Pegg is hilarious and has comedic timing and wit like Ricky Gervais, IMO. As Shaun, the appliance salesman, he has to save his ex-girlfriend and his mom, all while trying to beat down zombies with a cricket bat.

One of the taglines was "A romantic comedy. With zombies." Good times!

Then I was surfing around and saw on IFC they were playing House of 1000 Corpses. Having never seen it, and interested to see what Rob Zombie could do, I decided to tune in. It is pretty bizarre, with characters such as Captain Spaulding and Dr. Satan. I had no idea what to expect in this movie, but was pleasantly surprised to see Rainn Wilson in it. Along with Chris Hardwick (you may remember him as the host of MTV's "Singled Out") who was pretty heavy in this movie, and actually kind of funny.

It is your basic chop-shop horror movie, the 4 traveling teenagers go looking for stories of urban legend serial killers, then end up being captured by a back country family of serial killers. Plot is not much, and the filming reminded me of "Natural Born Killers" but it was not horrible. If you are ever in the mood for a typical bloody horror flick, go check it out.


Drier said...

You hit my sweet spot, talking about SHAUN OF THE DEAD. I'm really looking forward to their new movie HOT FUZZ.

The Boob Lady said...

Both are phenomenal movies. I love it. I can't wait for Hot Fuzz either.