Friday, April 13

A new favorite.

Lately I have been watching That 70's Show and I have to say, I forgot how hilarious this show was. Channel 50 here in Chicago has it on reruns, as does FX I believe. Once a week, I am not sure of the night, but there is like 3 hours worth of episodes on. I love it! I know it was not as funny in the late years, but I would say the first 5 seasons was some top quality comedy.


Mama Slinger said...


Drier said...

How many times was the word "dumbass" used during the entire series? Someone surely knows.

Valerie said...

That 70s show is one of those shows that I didn't watch regularly, but I would watch from time to time and it always made me laugh out loud.

Did you ever see "That 80s Show"? it didn't last very long, but I liked it, since I love all things 80s.