Monday, January 29

Prison Break

I do like how this season is going, but there are a few things that bug me every week. And I know McGone was thinking the same thing tonight when the brothers traveled from Montana to Akron, OH in less than 15 hours. Come on! From Denver to Chicago is about 14 hours and from Chicago to Akron is almost 6 hours.


McGone said...

I've got issues with PB, that's for sure. Tonight was actually good for a change, but you are right, it's a hell o' a stretch with the roadtrip. Also? Michael was striding around rather confidentally (when he got the phone call at the hospital desk). Put a hat on or something, Mr. Escaped Convict... you were just on FOX news a few hours ago.

But hey, no T-Bag this week. They should just have an episode where T-Bag and Haywire beat each other to death for the whole hour. Put them both out of our misery.

McGone said...

When I say "actually good," I meant "this episode didn't annoy me as much as the rest of this season has." I still look forward to it every week.

Utah Dagger said...

and from morris to salt lake city is 3 days.....oh thats only if you take your in-laws and drive only 6 hours a day before staying in a hotel and the piece of crap u-haul gets a flat in the middle of bum-f#ck nebraska and.....oh I ranting again....sorry.

Nicole P. said...

My issue is that once they broke out, everyone in the damn country recognized them instantly. Can you id a single person on the FBI's wanted list?

Slinger said...

Nicole P. - sounds like you know a lot about this. Is there a reason you left small town Iowa for the big city life? Maybe to blend in....

Nicole P. said...

Damn, now I've said too much. Time to find a new identity and city.