Well, I will never eat fast food again!
MamaSlinger and I watched Super Size Me yesterday. For those of you that don't know, Morgan Spurlock ate McDonald's for every meal, for 30 days.
Brief detail of the film:
Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock hit the road and interviewed experts in 20 U.S. cities, including Houston, the "Fattest City" in America. From Surgeon Generals to gym teachers, cooks to kids, lawmakers to legislators, these authorities shared their research, opinions and "gut feelings" on our ever-expanding girth.
During the journey, Spurlock also put his own body on the line, living on nothing but McDonald's for an entire month with three simple rules:
1) No options: he could only eat what was available over the counter (water included!)
2) No supersizing unless offered
3) No excuses: he had to eat every item on the menu at least once
It all adds up to a fat food bill, harrowing visits to the doctor, and compelling viewing for anyone who's ever wondered if man could live on fast food alone.
The film explores the horror of school lunch programs, declining health and physical education classes, food addictions and the extreme measures people take to lose weight and regain their health.
What the doctors found in his blood work was amazing, and very unhealthy. And after seeing how they make Chicken McNuggets, my kids will never eat them again. And that goes for all fast food restaurants, not just McDonald's.
This is a pretty funny film, and an eye opener. The amount of sugar that is in all fast food, even the salads are full of sugars and salts. Not to mention the soft drinks. The funniest was when he was eating a double quarter pounder and he was getting sick. He said his stomach hurt and he "had the McGurgles, the McHeadache and the McSweats" 15 minutes later he throws up out his car window. Sounds gross but it was amazing to see how his body was rejecting the food.
If you have not seen this, I suggest you give it a view. MSNBC has been showing it over the past week, but I am sure you can rent it somewhere as well.
Must...resist urge... to ... make fun of... your... headline...
Are you serious? Come on McGone, GROW UP! :o)
as i typed this I knew someone would say that, just figured it would be BPDP
Sorry McG - I just updated the headline
I saw it when it first came out, and I rarely eat McDonalds ever! Now Taco Bell is another story...at least until they make a documentary about tacos and fire sauce.
After I watched that flick, my kids know better than to ask me to stop there. I have drastically cut the Mickey D intake in the Drier household.
What is in those fries?!
Agree that it was an interesting flick, if only Morgan Spurlock wasn't so self-congratulatory the whole time.
Saw it. Loved it. It changed the way I think about fast food. Great documentary.
If you ever come across it...he does a show on fx I think called 30 days. It is pretty interesting.
and this is why I still haven't watched it.
yeah, I have seen the "30 days" on tv, but just cant get into it.
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