Tuesday, April 10


Finally, a good episode of 24! We got to see some good shoot-em up action, and hand to hand combat between Fayed and Jack. With Jack making Fayed a human ornament. Pretty good. A few things that caught my eye were when Doyle got shot, he looked pretty lame when he "played dead". I went back and watched it again after I saw what they planned, and he looked retarded. My dog plays dead better than that. And when Fayed and Jack had the showdown, and Fayed must have horrible aim to miss him from 50 feet away. but I digress...

But, it was a good episode, and of course now that Fayed is neutralized, they leave us with a cliff hanger... Audrey is alive. (we knew that was going to happen, didn't we?) I like Kim Raver so I am not opposed to seeing her back on 24 as Jack's main squeeze. And she is sort of good looking and stuff, ya know?

All in all, a major improvement from the previous 3 weeks, but they still have to close this season out with a bang to make up for the crap they have done this year.

Want more nerdy goodness on 24? Go check out McGone's rundown of the episode, and you will see what a 24 nerd really notices!


Drier said...

I haven't watched this series yet, but I thought I'd get in on the commentary: I liked it when Jack went after the bad guys.

Slinger said...

Jack is like Chuck Norris, but not as bad ass