Friday, March 2

Well, it's Friday, and thank god! This week has been one of the longest weeks in recent memory.

Last night the boys FINALLY slept all night, the first time in about almost 2 weeks. And I think the main reason was because Ryan took a nap during the day (he was starting to get out that habit) and Brett's 2 teeth cut through yesterday! And I know so many people ask why we were not giving him Tylenol or Orajel. Frankly, it doesn't work for him. Tylenol almost seems to guarantee that he will be up in 3 hours. Orajel does work, but only for a limited time. Plus you have to make sure you get it all on his gums, and when his teeth hurt, he doesn't want anyone sticking fingers in there!

Had an interesting event happen at dinner.
On the menu: Chicken Breast, rice and green beans

Ryan, as usual, was not eating. Brett was chowing down, as he always does. he is a great eater. Well he was throwing the rice all over (thank god we have a dog to clean up!) but ate all of his chicken and beans. Then he was pushing on his nose and complaining. I thought he wanted down, but as we put him down he started crying. MamaSlinger looked in his nose but didn't see anything. We were both certain there was some rice up there.

10 minutes later: Brett sneezes, and what do you know? Out comes rice. Quite a bit actually! I knew sooner or later he would sneeze, I just hope it all came out!

Father of the Year

I taught Ryan something. Something that I really shouldn't have.
He was in our bedroom and kept asking questions. Just random questions:

"Daddy, what did you take?" - I took a shower buddy.
"Daddy, what are you doin?" - getting ready for work

So then I got this great idea. And I leaned over to Ryan and asked him a question...

"Ryan, can you pull daddy's finger?" Being the braniac that he is, he jumped at the offer, and pulled my finger. The result was... well, you know. And his eyes lit up and he smiled. "Daddy! You tooted!" MamaSlinger and I just started laughing and I immediately regretted showing him that.

Well, about 2 minutes later, he says "Daddy, pull my finger" and I put my finger out to pull, not understanding him clearly, and he corrected me; "No, you pull MY finger!" Being a grown child, I did what he asked, and sure enough, HE TOOTED! Then he laughed and smiled. He was so happy that he did the same thing as daddy.

I have to admit, it is cool to see your kids retain things you teach them, but I can already hear the phone calls I am going to get from the Pre-school teachers.


Anonymous said...

I love that the dog is your mechanism for getting the kitchen clean after meals.

I usually dust stuff onto the floor for mine - no sense in dirtying a washcloth. :)

Some Guy said...

Classic! Every child needs to know "pull my finger". You are actually doing a good thing. The kids who knew this sort of stuff first were always the coolest.