Friday, March 30

Such a let down

You know those days when everything seems to be going right? Well today started off that way. It's Friday, and was sunny and nice out. On my way to work I caught EVERY green light (that rarely happens in the suburbs). And I went to the store to cash in my spare change, and was pleasantly surprised when the total was $173.00! BONUS!

Then I get to work, and everything falls apart. As I walk in my pager goes off, then I have a few emails that need to be worked ASAP. Wonderful. And, it is now cloudy outside and they are calling for thunderstorms.

I really should not be surprised, as I know my work days are exactly the same, but this day started off with so much promise.


McGone said...

Good Grief.

Slinger said...

I know man, this is nothing compared to what you go through every day.

Drier said...

I can't wait until McGone writes a tell-all about his job. I can't add to that thought for...oh, another week.

Slinger said...

yeah, I don't see that happening anytime soon though. That could be about a month's worth of posts!

McGone said...

My job rocks! Like a Hurricane! I don't know what you guys are talking about!

And to clarify, I said "Good Grief" in the first comment because when I read your post, Slinger, I was picturing Charlie Brown.

Nicky said...

Yikes. I hope your weekend went well, at least!!