Tuesday, March 20

CNN sucks

Wow, CNN is really turning into a crappy reference for news. One of the main stories was Heather Mills and her wodden leg on Dancing with the Stars. Good Lord, who really needs to hear about her? I know I don't, and I am sure it makes Paul mad that she is just doing this to get more public sympathy.

And of course, Dick Cheney goes into the hospital, yet again.


Drier said...

I'm glad Robert Rodriguez didn't cast Heather Mills in the Rose McGowan role in GRINDHOUSE.

(I apologize for such a juvenile comment. It won't happen again.)

Anonymous said...

Wow, could you imagine Heather Mills with a machine gun on her stump? Shooting some guys then talking all bad-ass in that accent? No? yeah, me neither. I do not like that woman.