Wednesday, February 28

Chili Peppers with a side of idiot sauce.

Went and saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers last night, and was not let down at all. they put on a great show. I have been a fan since high school and have always wanted to see them. I was a little miffed that they only played for about an hour and 45 minutes. But the songs they did play the rocked. I was really hoping they would play "Torture Me" and "Turn it Again", but they didn't. I must say they are definitely one of the best rock bands live I have ever seen.

Gnarls Barkley opened for them, and I like their album, but they really didn't do anything for me. Yeah they sounded good, but not much of a visual show. And they played for MAYBE an hour.

But overall, it was a very good show and would definitely go see them again.

As for the Idiot sauce, I saw this tool leaving the concert on the highway on my way home. Bright Yellow Corvette, and he had a junior college alumni sticker on the window and the license plate said MLR TME. Wow, I almost felt bad for this guy, until I saw him wearing sunglasses (it was almost midnight) and smoking what looked like a Swisher Sweets cigar. Yeah, he was one classy dude.


Jessie said...

Nobody ever come to Montana. Nobody. Well...Pearl Jam did once but that's it. Trade offs, I guess.

The guy in the yellow corvette? Was he kidding? Wonder if that works for him.

Drier said...

I would watch an hour-long dramedy about the guy in the yellow Corvette. That should be the title of the show: "The Guy in the Yellow 'Vette." His name would be Chas or Chad and he'd travel the backroads of Illinois getting involved in people's lives. But he would have to stand four-eleven.

No, seriously, I'd TiVo it.

Catlin said...

That sounds great!! Too bad that they didn't play any longer, it was the same when I saw them... maybe that the hunger to keep playing just fades when you're touring that long. And they are getting older;-)