Friday, January 26

West defeats the East

Are you wondering what I am talking about? Well, for those of you that have been in the dark (which is EVERYONE) then you may not have known that the NHL All-Star game was Wednesday night, and the West beat the East 12-9. What's that? You didn't know NHL was still a league? Well unless you have subscribed to the new cable network VS., then how would you know.

I can't believe the brilliant minds at the NHL would end their agreement with ESPN, removing tons of fans from the world of hockey. But instead go to a lesser network last year, known as OLN, which is now VS. And oh yeah, it is not a basic cable channel, you have to pay for it. (at least I have to with DISH)

I love Hockey, and it chaps my ass that I also live in Chicago where the wonderful owner decides NOT TO BROADCAST HOME GAMES! I tell ya, the people involved in the NHL world need to wise up and start doing something different, like broadcasting EVERY game. And they wonder why they are losing their fan base. Best part was last year, the return after the lockout, they had "Thank You Fans" painted on every ice rink in the NHL. Too bad only a handful of people saw that thank you note.

1 comment:

McGone said...

What's "NHL" mean?