Thursday, January 11

Music Ramblings

Ear Goggles
Don't you just love it when you listen to a certain artist/album through headphones, and you notice all new, wonderful sounds in the music?
That is what I love about listening to my iPod at work. I can get work done, and feel like I am in a private studio with the band that I am listening to. Often I hear it more clearly than I would on the radio/stereo due to background noise.

A few examples:
Tool - You almost have to listen to Tool with headphones on to really hear everything going on.
NIN - Almost every time I listen to Trent Reznor, I hear a new background sound in every song.
Queens of the Stone Age - Pure adrenaline rush when blasting directly into your ear canal
Foo Fighters - I feel like Dave Grohl is standing over my shoulder screaming into my ears

I know all music sounds better with headphones on, but these are a few that really stand out when I listen to them

Smashing Pumpkins
The Smashing Pumpkins are currently in the recording studio with legendary producer Roy Thomas Baker (Queen, The Cars, The Darkness), at work on their first new album since 1999.

I am/was a Smashing Pumpkins fan since high school, and own all albums. But the news of them back together... doesn't really do much for me. I doubt they can ever get back the musical genius that was Gish and Siamese Dream, those two albums are still on the top of my list of all time favorite albums. I just hope there new album does not sound like Adore or Machina. Those last 2 albums went in a direction that I really care for, but there are a few great songs on them, but for the most part, I was disappointed.

So sometime this year a new Smashing Pumpkin album will be out, and I am betting it will be out before Guns 'n Roses Chinese Democracy!


FD said...

A year ago I was in a bar, shocking really, and this really crappy cover band is going through a bunch of expected cover songs. Only the Good Die Young, American Pie, Modern Love, but then they broke into this perfect version of Cherub Rock. They followed it up with that Santana/ Rob Thomas crap. Later, my buddies and I were in line to get another drink, again shocking, the frontman was there and I said politely, "not bad, but one song killed".
He says, "Let me guess Cherub Rock".
I said "Yeah"
He says, "Yeah we have to play all those other ones because thats how we get the gigs, and thats how we get the phone numbers."
I made a face that he read as me calling him a sellout.
He continued,"I spend my days managing an Enterprise Rent-A-Car, getting up on singing Yellow every Saturday Night and getting paid and laid for it, is what stops me from taking a Taurus and driving it into a wall come Wednesday morning." I laughed and felt I met a kindred spirit. I bought him a beer and when the band played Bad Medicine in the second set to a cheering crowd I laughed to myself.

Slinger said...

Yeah, I know a guy who does the same thing. Funny, I guess they just deal with it and enjoy playing music for a living.