Thursday, January 4

Magic School Bus

On my way to work today I decided to take a different route through a neighborhood. Big mistake. Since it was right around 8am, I got stuck behind a school bus. And as I had to make numerous stops, I noticed something. Something that has actually puzzled me for a few months now.

Did anyone else ever take the bus when they were a kid? I don;t know about you all, but in my town, you had to live a certain distance from school in order to qualify for bus service. (I was too close by a block, so we used my grandmother's address to get me on the bus. but got busted a few weeks into school) And there was probably one bus stop that serviced a four or five block area. I had to walk three blocks to get to the stop.

All that has obviously changed. This bus was stopping at almost every sixth house to pick up three or four kids! What the hell?!?! What happened to the centralized bus stop locations? I must have stopped three times within a 2 block distance! If I were a bus driver, I would be pissed.

Then, this bus makes a stop, picks up two kids, then proceeds to go two blocks, turn the corner and then PULL INTO THE SCHOOL! Are you kidding me? These two kids could not walk less than half a mile to school? I am amazed that the school allows that many stops for their bus drivers. But, for all I know the bus drivers are union and get paid per stop.

Kids have it easy these days.


Utah Dagger said...

Out here there are no school buses for the kids school. The schools are within walking distance (so they say). Cori's school is about 1 mile and Cassie's school is about 2 miles and Cassie walks just about everyday.

Tracyes said...

Okay, Roger's boy, no union bashing. It's called spoiled kids and a sick and diverted society - and that is why kids ride the bus 2 blocks to school. And the bus drivers don't care because they have a job - at least until GHWB makes all illegal aliens legal.

Remember, there is one, lone Dem in this family that just happens to believe that some Unions are good, but without any we'd all be working for $1.08 per week. :o)

Drier said...

I walked AT LEAST a mile to both elementary and junior high back in the day. I wasn't told taking the bus was an option.

Maybe I'll blog about the stranger who offered me and my little sister a ride in his (green) sedan once.

That almost sounded like an Ides of March song.

Nanette said...

A different perspective:
I'm a little late on this....but, kids with disabilities might qualify to ride the bus whether they live one house away or miles. Just because a child can walk a short distance does not necessarily mean they are not disabled--speaking from experience here, and the multiple kids getting on--they allow siblings of the disabled to ride also(since they are already stopping anyway) :)

But, more than likely it is really a case of society gone wild. :P

eslingc said...

Tracyes: without waxing politic, make that two Dems in the family :o)

I see my share of Union slackers, but they do honest work. At least here, they do.

Personally, I hated riding the bus and would've gladly walked to school, but I was juuuust far enough away to make it worth the bus ride. But yeah.. just think -- my property tax dollars at work here! Able kids should be able to walk the two blocks to school.