Wednesday, December 20

I did the face thingy

And oh how sorry I am that I did it. I have seen on other blogs this link to and you can put in your picture and it will match you with celebrities. So I did a few pictures (bad pictures at that) and after it did the "try to be cool like in Face-Off"" scan thing with a graphic of a head, I got the following results....

First attempt - Ok, Two of these dudes I don't even know. But I got linked to the HOFF! WOOHOO! But, WTF?!?!?! Annette Bening? Really? SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I guess I can kind of see how she looks like me, being a bit man-ish and all. But damn, that made me laugh. At least it evens out with the ex James Bond.

Second attempt: Ok, now this thing is just trying to piss me off. I was happy when I saw the first face as Edward Norton. But then I look at the whole picture and see not one, but TWO women! And, I think just to mess with me more, and to elevate the humor level, they throw in James Doohan and WILLIAM McKINLEY!!! Very funny guys.

This was pretty funny, and I tried it a few times and got pretty much the same results. But if you are curious, you too can go to the link on the above pictures and try it out.


McGone said...

Dude... how does someone look like James Bond AND Q? John Cleese was Q in that last two Brosnan Bond flicks.

And now I am no longer hot for Naomi Watts. So thanks for that.

Nicky said...

OH, I'm beside myself with the David Hasselhoff result. Seriously - he's in a category of his own... and not a good one.

Slinger said...

Yeah, I am little pissed about the Hoff reference, but it made me laugh. Oddly enough, I have a huge fan base in Equador.

Nanette said...

Buble and the Hoff--can you sing? LOL If it makes you feel any better, my husband calls Nicolette Sheridan a man ;)

Valerie said...

Beam me up, Scotty! ;)