Friday, December 15

As I get older, I tend to forget things

Lately my memory has not been all that good. And it is usually on small things. And usually MamaSlinger is there to keep me in check and remind me. But sometimes I do something that is totally stupid, and there is no one to blame but myself.....

Well a few nights ago we were downstairs cleaning up after the kids went to bed, and I let Molly out around 10pm. Then after a while we went up and went to bed. I remember checking to make sure the lights were off, and the doors were locked. The normal routine before heading upstairs. Everything was done and good to go, or so I thought.

Around 2:20am I was woken up by Brett crying and I went to get him. Now usually when I get up in the night, I have to be careful as I walk around the end of the bed because that is where Molly sleeps. Well I noticed she was not on her bed, so I figured she was sleeping in the boy's room. I look in there and nothing, then as I turn around I catch a glimpse of the playset out the spare bedroom window, and I can tell that our back porch light is on. Then, as I am thinking "That's weird.." it hits me....HOLY CRAP! I FORGOT TO LET MOLLY IN! HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN TO LET HER IN?!?!?!

So I lightly jog downstairs and open the curtains and there she is, laying on the deck against the door. I open the door and she jumps up and runs in, not even stopping to look at me. I stop her and kneel down to pet her and tell her that I was sorry. She just looked at me and just sat there, I actually thought she was shivering. She was pretty cold, but thank god it was one of those days that it only got down to 35-40 overnight, as we went through a warm-up this week. You think she would have barked or something to let us know, but nope, nothing!

So still holding Brett, who by now was wide awake and watching daddy freak out about Molly, I was petting her feeling so bad for forgetting her out there. As I turned to turn off the light and lock the door, I hear her run upstairs. All I can think is that she probably thinks "Jerk, I am not waiting for you, I'm going to bed where it is warm!"

So I got Brett a bottle, put him back in bed and then went to check on Molly. There she was, all curled up on her bed, already asleep. She still felt cold, so I went and got a blanket, and covered her up.

I know she was fine, I just felt so bad for her. Even though she does love snow and the cold weather, she is an indoor dog, a spoiled one at that, and she was probably thinking that we abandoned her out there for 5 hours in the middle of the night, never to let her back in.

Now when I let her out at night, she always looks back at me like "Make sure you don't forget me, old man!"


Anonymous said...

It means you're starting to get REALLY OLD!!! Ha ha ha I remember all the times you teased me growing up about being older - well welcome to the club!

Stupid cat got out last night and came home about 2 hours later - I was hoping she was visiting the local coyotes, but nope - not last night

Slinger said...

Wow, that cat is brave to go outside when she is that old!

Michael Colvin said...

Hello Slinger,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I know how you feel about forgetting your dog. I shut our old cat out all night recently. He pretty much keeps to his cushion these days and he yelled at me for days afterwards.
