Friday, November 17

Today is Friday, and for some reason it feels like a Monday. Probably because I watched the news this morning and was so annoyed at what I heard as news.

Tom & Katie’s wedding in Italy. – Do non-celebrities really care what celebrities do in their own life? I don’t. It amazes me at how much time the media spends covering crap like this. Just like RSM said in her post about celebrity break-ups being headline news, it’s retarded. AND, they show Tom and Katie (I refuse to call them the standard media combo name TomKat) and there are flashbulbs popping like crazy, and what do you see? There baby looking like a deer in headlights. So sad that their kid will need glasses at the age of 3.

K-Fed: Should we really be surprised at the events in the past 2 weeks? I think not. We all knew he, and Brit, were trash.

The Duchess wants to be a dancer. :

Play Station 3 – people waiting outside all night in freezing temperatures, thinking they will get one, for a measly $599. I doubt that each store has more than 50 units, but I think most stores were running a lottery type system to see who gets one. Still, retarded if you ask me. And this guy probably agrees with me now.

Christmas /X-mas: I have noticed that we, as a human race, have become lazy. Even when it comes to saying and writing things. Christmas has been shortened to X-mas. Good Morning is usually heard as ‘Morning. And don’t get me started on the LOL and LMAO. Granted these are easy for text messaging, so I can see that. I really do not like the X-mas title, but will admit that I typed it this morning! D’oh!


Jessie said...

I don't care about Tom Cruise and his robot bride. I feel sorry for her is all. It cracks me up to hear K-fed now referred to as Fed-ex. Love that. Don't know why, I just do.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Another interesting lazy thing of note that was pointed out to me by a Canadian is that we Americans rarely say, "You're welcome." Try it - the next time you say, "thank-you" to a waitress, co-worker, or friend - notice that 9 times out of 10, they will respond, "Uh-huh."

mansionmogul said...

Yes, it's so annoying. I totally refuse to call them "tomkat". That's gross. On "E-news" they had one of their people reporting live from rome on the whole thing. WOW.