Wednesday, November 8


We have this internal messaging program at work called Q, like Yahoo messenger. Well It allows us to talk to other groups we work with, or coworker friends. Thus eliminating the need to call every time.

Well my buddy PH is working from home today and we just had the following conversation. I was laughing so much because PH is a germ freak and always has to clean after every little thing that happens....

PH(15:20:03): they delivered the new furniture
EE(15:20:10): nice
PH(15:20:11): dks
EE(15:20:18): what happened?
PH(15:20:24): the guy asked to use the latrine
PH(15:20:28): DOOKIE
EE(15:20:28): did he ask for a magazine?
PH(15:20:31): not cool
PH(15:20:42): got stains all over toilet
PH(15:20:45): F***
PH(15:20:50): i had to sanitize

EE(15:21:00): HAHAHAHAHA
PH(15:21:12): it stunk up the joint pretty bad
EE(15:21:15): damn
EE(15:21:22): well, when you gotta go, you gotta go
PH(15:21:35): yeah but chk the bowl
PH(15:21:50): make sure there is no chocolate surprise left

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Hilarious! My favorite part is "Dookie."