Thursday, November 2

Photo Studio

So last night I was thinking. "hey, I have a nice camera, let's try to take some nice photos of the boys. Kind of like our own photo studio" So we got the boys dressed in something decent, put up a nice sheet as a back drop and I got the camera ready. BTW, the sheet looked totally trashy.

What followed in the next 15 minutes convinced me that we will be taking them to a professional studio from now on.

Ryan did nothing but act goofy, Brett would not sit still, and the little table I put together for them 2 weeks ago, lost a leg. Seriously, I was sweating so much from trying to get them to sit together, and keep Ryan from jumping all over the place! NEVER. AGAIN.

I will admit though, what shots I did get of them, made us laugh so much last night, so I decided to share them with you all. Yeah, they may not be professional quality, but the fact that they made Mama Slinger and I laugh so much, made it well worth the pain we went through.


* You do not need to login, just click on the picture to access the photos.

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