Friday, November 3

Flashback Friday

This week's flashback comes to you courtesy of Blind Melon. For those of you not familiar with Blind Melon, click [HERE]. I can remember listening to Blind Melon while sitting in my car on my lunch break. (more than likely I was eating Taco bell, it was all the rage back then)

Blind Melon brings back memories of working at the car wash with many of my friends right out of high school. McGone and Utah Dagger being 2 of those friends. (Sorry BPDP - you sucked back then.)
Originally it was Turtle Wax, then became Softee Wash.

Anyway, there are WAY TOO MANY stories of those few years of our lives to include here, so I will just summarize a few of my favorites. Most of these events happened at the car wash, the others happened elsewhere, but involved coworkers.

- Utah Dagger getting wasted at Gary's place, falling down the stairs, then puking up all the fruit loops he chowed while getting his ass handed to him in Quarters.

- Playing Pictionary on the inside windows on rainy days

- Fooling Bumgardner into thinking he had to check the oil on cars that he dried off

- Climbing up on the roof and dropping various things onto coworker, during work hours.

- Having to go wake up Olie's drunk ass in the morning because it was past 8, and we had no way to get in the building. Then Olie giving us the keys, and money to get donuts.

- "someone" stealing the bubble gum machine

- Harvey and Murphy putting a chicken nugget in the microwave, and cooking it on high for 99:99 minutes. Which resulted in this horrible stench followed by the blackest smoke I have ever seen.

- Putting a HUGE dead rat on Jeremy Johnson's car, and hearing him scream like a 12 yr old girl when he found it.

Ah, the days of working at the car wash. Like I said, I could go one for a while, but it would be the biggest post ever. Was always nice to go home with a pocket full of cash you earned while screwing around. By far, probably the funnest job I ever had.


McGone said...

I had to drive Dagger's drunk ass home that night and stop no less than six times in less than a mile so he could do the technicolor yawn. Somehow - SOMEHOW - that kid ended up getting a girl to kiss him while he sat in his own sick! Not that he remembers it, but I sure as hell do as myself and Assface were both watching & yelling "WTF!?"

I had an unfair advantage when playing pictionary, what with my skillz and all, but I also had an unfair disadvantage when I had to team with Kirkham. The category? Movies. The movie? "Home Alone." Kirkham's retarded guess? "Parents Leave On A Plane And Leave Kid Home By Himself." Yeah, I saw that movie too, Kirkham, but it wasn't as good as the sequel "Parents Leave On A Plane And Leave Kid Home By Himself 2."

I take credit for cooking up the "fooling Bumgardner into thinking he had to check the oil" scheme. It may have been a group effort to fool him, but I remember when the devilish little idea popped in my head. He was such an easy mark.

Never made it to the roof. I just dodged whatever you punks were throwing.

I remember Olie looking around his apartment and picking up a mystery wad from the corner that turned out to be a shirt he thought would be good to wear that day. I also remember the night we put a box of Lucky Charms on his doorstep and ran away giggling like girls. He looked like a lephrachaun people!

I know nothing about the candy machine. :)

Awful chicken nugget memory.

That was the biggest rat I have ever seen. I think Dagger put a saddle on him once and rode him through the tunnel.

Slinger said...

Yeah, I don't take credit for any of the pranks we did, I was just a lemming and went along with it! But damn it was a good time!

The best had to be when we used to take out the Greenway cars, and we would squeal the tires in the back, then try to do the Tokyo Drift when pulling them out of the tunnel.

Utah Dagger said...

I remember Susan Christianson pulling the car out of the building and around the side and falling out! The car shot across the parking lot and hit a car in McDonald's parking lot.....that was classic. Or the Electric female toy we found in the road and put on Susans gear shifter in her car. Or the photo's we created by using the copy machine, some picture's of Susan and a playboy. Or tricking Tim into picking up the cone and yelling back at us and leaving a black circle around his mouth for all to see. Ahhhhh......memories. I'm beginning to tear up.