Tuesday, September 12

Ordinary things that shock me on a daily basis

Do you ever have those days where the littlest, normal things amaze you? I am talking about normal everyday things you see and maybe one day you stop and think... WTF?!?! Well, here is a little list of things I have noticed today and took mental note of...

1. Rain during rush hour is equivalent to 4 feet snow at rush hour. Seriously, people forget how to drive when it rains. It amazes me how slow people go when the road is wet, ESPECIALLY people that are driving SUV's. I understand there are obvious dangers to speeding when it rains, but there is no need to go 35 on the expressway when it is sprinkling.

2. The total disregard of office restrooms. You all know what I mean. How is that in a professional office of grown adults, the bathroom looks like a public restroom at the Taste of Chicago. Seriously, how hard is for a grown man to aim into the urinal, or flush a toilet after dropping a deuce? Amazes me every day that people can't follow proper restroom etiquette.

3. There are a handful of employees in my building who obviously do not own a mirror. Some of the outfits I see on a daily basis are beyond description. Now, I am not Mr. GQ by any means, but I at least check out my getup before I leave the house, or ask MamaSlinger how I look. But for a man to come to work with a big stain on the back of his shirt, or a button down shirt with the top 3 buttons undone, showing the world his hairy VEST, with 3 gold chains, is uncalled for. And ladies...it is not hot when you wear a mini skirt when one of your legs is the size of BOTH of my legs. COME ON! And a Lime green blouse does NOT go well with dark brown capri's and blue shoes. Maybe you are color blind? I don't know. But ask your husband (if you have one) to see if your outfit is appropriate for the outside world.

4. When people ball up their money in their pocket. Now this is just a straight up complaint, but I don't know about you.....but I HATE it when I buy something and the change I get looks like it was run through a garbage disposal. The bill is all wrinkled and feels like it is covered in fecal matter. But hey, that's just me.


McGone said...

Why does it always end in fecal matter with you?

Slinger said...

shut up bitch! I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast! Wait..I er...mean...

eslingc said...

1. If the weather deviates the least bit from "sunny," it's practically guaranteed that I435 and all inside roads leading to that Loop of Doom will be backed up because some retard caused an accident by going into granny mode. The floor speed is 40 out there for a reason! I'm glad I don't participate in rush hour.

2. I really feel sorry for the janitorial staff at our place. I hope those guys are making decent money, seeing how they're stuck with picking up after a bunch of slobs every day. It certainly doesn't help that the fine folks at Sloan (makers of those automatic flushers which work only 30% of the time) and Kohler (the toilet maker) can't make a potty that works worth a damn. I always roll up to a bowl full of... well, not only water.

3. I at least check to see that my clothes are serviceable -- no holes in the crotch, no rips in the elbows, my zipper's up, etc. Some folks show up in direct violation of the dress code (frayed jeans, the "Magnum PI" look, their shirt looks like a bunch of condiments threw up on it) and yet still manage to try conducting business seriously, looking like that. And they're never sent home, ever. And oh... ladies, please go easy on the perfume. A major clue that you're wearing too much is when you get in an elevator for 30 seconds in the morning... and the elevator still smells like you at 07:00pm!

4. More people should use a wallet. It's a peeve of mine, but I can't stand getting bills back that can't be used. I'm talking about these ghetto characters who repair ripped bills by slapping a bunch of Scotch tape on them, making it pretty much guaranteed that I won't be using that bill to extract "food" from the vending machine on those late days. Ignore the fact that I should get real food for just a second.