Tuesday, August 22

Let the madness begin!

Well, for all the sports geeks out there in the videogame generation, today is like Christmas. MADDEN07 came out today, and have to say, from what I have seen, it looks AMAZING! Of course I am sure the XBOX 360 has the clearest version, but the graphics rock!

I am sure this game is going to make millions for EASPORTS, as it should. All of the MADDEN releases have been excellent, so it is no surprise that this one looks so damn good.

The staff here at BMI is aware that the postings have been slim lately. This is due to a few things:
1. We have real jobs on the side that sometimes take up time during the day
2. One of us just welcomed a new baby into the world, and believe it or not, this takes priority
3. Not much has really been news-worthy

So having said that.... I am going to try and post things here a few times a week, which has been the norm usually. So if nothing new is up in a few days, relax, some useless news will soon fill your brain, I promise you!

1 comment:

McGone said...

Wait, wait... am I the one with the new baby?