Wednesday, July 26


In an exclusive interview with People Magazine, former N'Sync band member Lance Bass reveals that he is gay.

In related stories, the sky is still blue and water is wet.


Slinger said...

I AM SHOCKED! I am totally joking.

And I cannot believe you put such a HUGE ASS picture of this guy on our blog. I mean I know Hasselhoff is bad, but COME ON!

Slinger said...

Ok I see you changed the pic size... MUCH BETTER!

Anonymous said...

Hey - no dissin' Lance! He is the best one in that stinkin' group. Mama Slinger says "Go Lance, Go Lance!".....

Anonymous said...

Let's be nice here !!! Imagine the life that poor Lance has led.... having to deal with screaming young girls throwing themselves at him day in and day out, standing outside his tour bus just waiting to get a piece, any piece of NSYNC. Also unfortunately who didn't see this coming!! What living man could stay straight when sleeping above you every night in the tour bus was the one and only JT - yes Justin Timberlake, aka the hottest man alive. He fell victim to JT's charm and good looks and had to turn to the male population for love. It was inevitable. I still pledge my undying devotion to the boys of NSYNC, forever and ever they will be "tearin' up my heart"