Monday, June 26


So I was at one of our other office buildings this morning and had to use the restroom (not what you are thinking, Shawn), and as I was using the urinal, I happened to notice there was a fragrance bar, or as us guys call them, a urinal cake, in the bottom. Now, I have to these things REALLY do what they are supposed to??? I mean, seriously how can that thing make it smell any nicer in there when it is being hit with a continuous stream of urine?? AND...this one was pink, so as you hit it, it was splattering pink all over the urinal. After seeing this all I was thinking about was, "Oh shit, what if I have pink splattered on my pants?" (BTW... I did not have any color on me.) Do they really need to make them colored? The whole urinal cake seems like a waste to me, but I guess with one being pink or blue, it makes what is normally disgusting, look somewhat 'pretty'.

Mama Slinger said...
My question is - why do you aim at something that is splattering PINK or BLUE for that matter all over the urinal? Wouldn't you make sure you aim on the back or sides of the urinal to make a continuous flow and not SPLATTER!?? GROSS!
10:36 AM
Slinger said...
Ah yes..the female the stream is weakening, it hits lower and lower, thus getting closer to the "cake". The only way to miss it is to either A.) back up and drip on the floor, or B) lean so far into the urinal that your clothes touch the sides! I don't do either!


BPDP said...

Just be glad you're not the guy (or gal) who has to change them!

BTW, did that one have the company name and stock symbol on it? Mike's Hard Lemonade should advertise on those!


Anonymous said...

My question is - why do you aim at something that is splattering PINK or BLUE for that matter all over the urinal? Wouldn't you make sure you aim on the back or sides of the urinal to make a continuous flow and not SPLATTER!?? GROSS!

Slinger said...

Ah yes..the female the stream is weakening, it hits lower and lower, thus getting closer to the "cake". The only way to miss it is to either A.) back up and drip on the floor, or B) lean so far into the urinal that you clothes touch the sides! I don't do either!

Anonymous said...

Move a little to the left or right to make sure you miss the so called "cake".

McGone said...

I had to train in Tibet with monks for over a year to master my "No-Splash" technique. You ladies don't have the equipment, so you don't know how hard of a task the control is.

My God... THIS is the posting that gets 5 comments?

Slinger said...

6 now. I know, that's pretty funny huh? Mama slinger says she may need to watch my technique to see what I am talking about.

McGone said...

This would be a good time to specify that "Mama Slinger" is your wife, not your actual mother. You know, for anyone who stumbles onto the site and this comment section in particular.

BPDP said...

Thanks McGone! I was actually thinking it was Joan!


Slinger said...

LMAO. Damn, that is funny shit right there. But also, good catch McGone, The last thing I need is BPDP thinking about my mom!