Monday, June 12


Well, another Monday.....and how did I start off my Monday when I got to work? I knocked over my half-full cup of water that was left from Friday....Nice. Lucky for me, I am not busy and just happened to clean off my desk on Friday, so nothing got wet.
Had a rough youngest son was sick with a high fever and since Amy is 7 months pregnant, I am the one who gets to wake up and hold him all night. Don't get me wrong, I love having him cuddle up to me, but when he cries every hour and there is nothing you can do for him, it gets testing. We think he had Roseola - high fever then a rash, caused by a virus. He ahs the slight rash now, so we will see how it looks tomorrow.
I did manage to get away on Saturday and I took my 2 1/2 yr old to see CARS. It was really good, except he fell asleep with about 20 minutes left in the movie. But he liked it up till then.
One thing about being up all hours of the night, sitting in a rocking get to watch TV. Well, I watched a few DVD's, actually slept through most of them, 40yr old Virgin, Kill Bill Vol2, when he was sleeping. Last night I was up until about 1 with him, he is feeling better but for some reason last night he would not let me put him down. Anyway.... I got to watch about 3 hours worth of programming on The Discovery channel. I used to love Discovery channel when they showed more educational shows and not reality-type shows. Well last night i watched all about the 2004 Tsunami in Thailand. it was pretty amazing, they were showing a lot of amateur video that was taken of the waves. It's amazing anyone survived that, although something like 270,000 people died, with thousands still listed as missing.
So even though I was up late, I was learning how Tsunami's form and at what force they hit land, due to the shallowing coastline and the techtonic plates rising. After that, they had some show on Krakatoa, fell asleep when it started then put Brett to bed, so I have no info on that.

Well this week I will be starting a new job within AT&T. It is a good move for me, and may require me to work downtown Chicago a few days a month, but that is ok. But as the new job begins, the postings on this blog may be limited for the first few weeks. I will have to wait and see how things go.

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