Friday, June 9

So in my office building we have this pretty big cafeteria, food's not bad, but pricey. We also have a hair salon and a fitness center. You can also have your dry cleaning done, if need be. As you can tell, pretty big complex. Anyway, all this week in the cafe, the people from the fitness center have had a table up trying to get people to join. And you can enter a drawing to win some nice sports apparel prizes and even an iPod shuffle. Next to their table is this guy promoting organic foods. He has a store near by and is trying to get people to buy organic foods....

Ok, this may not be the best place to promote organic foods, seeing as how the majority of the people in the cafe are getting either a 1/2 lb cheeseburger and fries, or a deep fried calzone! Plus, on the NEXT table, the cafe is giving away complimentary Krispy Kreme donuts! Oh, and they are handing out free candy bars with every purchase at the cashier.

So you have to wonder if they are trying to get people to realize, either....
A) "Wow, I eat like shit, I should be eating organic foods and working out, SIGN ME UP!" or
B) "On top of this fat filled lunch, which by the way will cost you at least $7, I think I will add a light tasty Krispy Kreme delight as my dessert. What's that? A free Reese's peanut butter fudge bar also!? SWEET! "
It's no wonder there are so many big people in the building.

By the way, I sort of followed option B. However I got a fresh deli samich, Turkey breast and Cheddar on a soft sub roll, with vegetable pasta salad. nice and light right? Well I also got said Reese's bar and KK donut! Let's be honest...who am I to pass up free sweets?

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