Tuesday, June 20

Shocking New Evidence

I'm surprised by Slinger's earlier photo post poking fun at Scientology, considering the Shocking New Evidence™ I have uncovered. This photo has a note scribbled on the back: "Thanks for all your help with 'The Miracle Baby!' Love TomKat"

** UPDATED - slinger **
As you can tell, I was obviously under some trance when they dragged me to this event. That, my friends, is a drug-induced smirk. I honestly do not have any recollection of even meeting TomKat, but I guess in this day of technology, these pictures do not lie, and must be taken as authentic.
Also, I am shocked that it took this long for this photo to leak on the web, but am more shocked at WHO leaked it! DAMN YOU McGONE!

1 comment:

Slinger said...

Is it just me or does anyone else find it odd that Katie's hand on his chest is sporting the Vulcan greeting?