Wednesday, May 17

The Media SUCKS!

Everytime I turn on the television, or even get on the internet, I am amazed at all the CRAP that the media giants consider "news"...

CNN reports about Brittney Spears' babyseat mistake, on the front page! Also on the front page in the link section... Nicole Kidman to wed Keith Urban. HOW IS THIS IMPORTANT NEWS TO ME?!?!?

Things I loathe about the media:
1. They consider celebrities to be of the utmost importance. Do I care that J. Lo is possibly pregnant? OH MY GOD, that changes my whole day!!
2. Local news is the worst for this, but it seems that the first 5 minutes of a broadcast are nothing but death, robberies and rapes. I know they go for the shock value, but it is downright depressing!
3. Why do they insist on force feeding us negative information? Numerous incidents regarding the war, poilitics... ALL NEGATIVE.. Who is in charge of what can and can't be put on the air? They always report about soldiers being killed in Iraq, or soldiers being charged with murder of a civilian, who just happened to be holding an RPG, BUT was probably part of the ambush that just took place against a US convoy. They rarely report on the good stuff that happens over there, or the lives that our soldiers save every day.
4. There is always a scandal. I am convinced that every news agency hires someone specifically for this job. To find out the dirt on ANYONE, then exploit it for no good reason. Everyone has secrets, but if you are a celebrity or in politics, you better hope the key to your skeleton closet is tucked away in a safe place.

I am just venting here, but it is so sad that our media is used to hide the truth from the american people. If you want to read about the truth in Iraq, go read the BBC website. It is definitely not biased for Americans, which is good. because it reports a LOT of stuff that CNN or FOX will not report in the U.S.

There, I said my piece. How's your mother?

1 comment:

eslingc said...

I hear it, because these things are why I hate the media. It's why I never watch the news on TV. It's mostly why I never pick up a newspaper (OK, the reason for that one is because they messed up the comics section -- the most important section in the dead-tree version of news). I learned to not trust the traditional news channels early on because they always had this air about them that went something like "we care about viewership/ratings FIRST".

I hardly ever tuned in to news in general until Google News came along. Suddenly, I could pick out which news I wanted to read, and oh, I can choose from more unbiased sources if I didn't like Google's top source at the time! And I can skip all the stuff I'm not interested in.