Wednesday, May 2

We all have those "blonde"* moments.

I consider myself a pretty smart individual, and usually I am pretty intelligent when it comes to common sense situations. But every once in a while, my brain likes to prove me wrong...

The other day we received a call from the Pediatrician to confirm an appointment. We were outside and let it go to voicemail. Well later that night I check the voicemail and listened to the recorded message left by the doctor's office.

Message : "We are calling to confirm your 10am appointment. To confirm, press 1. To reschedule, press 2, etc. etc."

Being the smart person that I am, I press 1..... the message starts over again.. "To confirm, press 1. To reschedule, press ..." So I press 1 again. Message starts over again. Now I am getting mad. and MamaSlinger and I have the following exchange of words;

Me: " What the hell? I pressed 1 to confirm and it keeps asking me to confirm!"
MS: "Um, you can't confirm through voicemail! That is the message they.. HAHAHAHAHAHA"
Me: *starts to turn red and laugh "OH! Wow, I am an idiot."

MamaSlinger is in tears by now and keeps reminding me of what I did.

BUT, the same also happens to MamaSlinger from time to time...

This morning she was trying to log into work from home. She was looking all over for the power cord to her laptop, but couldn't find it anywhere.

MS: "Have you seen my power cord? it was up here Saturday when I was logged in."
Me: "No, it should still be by the computer. If its not there, I don't know where it is"

She continues to look for about 10 minutes and still can't find it. After another 10 minutes or so I go up to find that she found the power cord.

Me: "You found it?"
MS: "Yep"
Me: "Where was it?" (knowing what her answer was going to be)
MS: *trying not to smile "In my computer bag"

I was on my way up to actually look in her bag, that was sitting right next to her the whole time. I am just sad that I was not able to find it first!

* I apologize to any blonde readers.


Valerie said...

...this has reminded me of a story...

It's a good thing MamaSlinger was there when you were on the phone, who knows how long you would've kept pressing 1!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Well I would have eventually gotten pissed and hung up. But maybe never realized what happened.

Mama Slinger said...

I like to think these are "reality" checks to make sure you remember you're human. I still get a kick out of it though and make sure I tell everyone that knows you! :-) I love you baby!

Slinger said...

Yes I know. :-)

Some Guy said...

I'm blond, but I take no offense...

Drier said...

I am not blond, though my profile avatar is, and Scuba King is offended.