My television/movie commentary
Prison BreakI'm really not sure why I still watch this show. It has gotten so unbelievable, yet I keep recording it and watching it.
The brothers were basically free, but Michael gets a guilty conscience and tries to get T-bag, who is still alive after losing his left hand, TWICE. And the only medical attention he had was from a veterinarian. I told you it was dumb. Well season 2 ends with Michael getting busted in Panama, thrown in a hell hole and they WANT him to escape again. Lincoln is free and has been exonerated of all charges, but you know he will now try to bust out his brother.
I really do not see how Season 3 will go, but I know I will probably tune in to see.
Man, this is so lame this year. If I wanted to watch a political pissing contest, I would have watched "West Wing"! I am about ready to give up on this show unless I see more torturing and ass-kicking.
AVP: Alien vs. Predator
On FX last night, I watched Alien vs. Predator. Why? I'm really not sure. But I paused it a few times and actually watched the whole thing. It was not very good, took about an hour for any action to really take place. I liked Predator and the Alien movies, but this was just dumb. I know it is based on the video game, but still pretty bad. And it was pretty stupid that they had Lance Henriksen as the main backer for the research team that found the creatures. In case you didn't know, he played the part of Bishop in the second and third Alien films.
Overall, some decent action scenes, but the aliens were not scary at all, not like they were in Aliens, which is by far the best one in the franchise, which is a total of 4 films. To sum up, it took me about 3 hours to watch a movie on FX because I kept pausing to deal with the kids. But I was determined to finish it!
"Prison Break" is extremely unbelievable, but my wife and I continue to watch because the producers have mastered a formula: they introduce a new situation or conflict during every act, and they do it without making things predictable.
Sure, sometimes it's at the expense of believability, but what do you want? You wouldn't have watched two full seasons if everything followed the reality handbook. That'd be a boring show, which is one thing you can't call "Prison Break."
You are exactly right Drier. They keep you sucked in every week!
I'm totally ready to bail on Prison Break. I really was only watching for the Michael/Sara relationship (hello, girl here, sick of the other plot lines!). Now that Michael is about to get ass-tamaled in a Mexican prison (this is no longer a family blog right??), I don't know that I can go on. But I'm sure I'll see a teaser ad on tv right before the next season and get sucked back in.
I want to read Nicole's blog, just based on her use of the term "ass-tamale."
I learn more cool words on blogs lately than anywhere else!
Oh, and you know who likes ALIEN VS. PREDATOR more than ALIENS? 10-year-olds. My son, whom I refer to as "Buddy," would watch that damn flick every week (if I let him).
That could have more to do with the fact that Buddy isn't allowed to watch R-rated flicks, so he isn't yet aware of James Cameron's genius (although he does like the scene in TITANIC where the guy bounces off the screws into the ocean...he'll say, "Wheeeee!" every time he sees it).
Wow Drier, that is hilarious, and disturbing at the same time. Wonder if "Buddy" will grow up to be another Wes Craven.
And NIcole - Yeah, T-Bag...if he even comes back in Season 3, I am done watching!
I liked the Predator movies and was thinking about renting this I won't. Thanks for saving me two hours...(to waste on some other movie).
Valerie, I guess I would not call it a HORRIBLE movie, but it does not even come close to the original Preadtor movie, or the second Alien movie.
And you may catch it on FX again this weekend or sometime this month, so save the rental fees.
Well, if it's on FX some night and there's nothing else on (which happens a lot these days!) I'll watch it.
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