As Seen On TV
On my way to work this morning, I happened to look over at the car next to me. I usually don't stare at people when I am driving, but this time I could not help myself. This man was driving an older Chevy station wagon, had a ponytail longer than most women, an American flag bandanna and he was wearing BluBlocker sunglasses!I went online and looked up BluBlockers, and yeah they have upgraded the design to meet modern styles, but they still look like the original large round lenses that were a huge hit in the 80's and 90's. And you know what, ponytail man was wearing the large rounded frames as well, there was no mistaking it. Classic!
So as I was looking around, I found this site As Seen On TV that has, you guessed it, items that are "only available through this TV offer!". Here you can buy all of the lovely items that you see advertised on TV, from the Hercules Hook to the Yoga Booty Ballet. And for all of those pesky urine odors, don't forget to pick up Urine Gone!!
And who do I see on the website promoting his products? Mr. OxiClean himself, Billy Mays!
Most notable for promoting OxiClean, OrangeGlo, KABOOM! and other cleaning, home-based, and maintenance products. His direct and "high energy" style and ubiquitous presence on many television commercials and home shopping channels pitching a wide array of products has gained Mays a small amount of celebrity. He is a highly sought after pitch man, and owns and operates his own promotions company. (source: Wikipedia)
I don't know about you, but when this guy pitches an idea, I LISTEN! It is so hard NOT to pick up the phone and call, in the next 15 minutes, so I receive not 1, not 2, but THREE extra cleaning brushes! Why would anyone pay $99 when they get twice as much for ONLY $24.95! Pure genius I tell you.
OMG - I'm laughing out loud for this entire entry. It's hilarious! If you only knew what a sucker I am for As Seen On TV stuff... Blake just tries to steer me away from the local stores... Thanks for the funny today!
P.S. Don't buy the Rotato potato peeler. It's crap.
We actually have some of the KaBOOM and OxiClean cleaning stuff, but bought it at Target.
AND, there is a store in the local mall called "As Seen on TV" - you can buy everything that you see on infomercials!
I bought the thing that scrambles an egg inside the shell. True story. But I was about ten at the time.
Drier: did it really work? That sounds really gross to me for some reason.
And it is not that hard to scramble an egg outside of the shell.
You tell that to a ten-year-old thinking that would make a good birthday gift for mom when he has no other ideas.
I was an idiot!
Billy Mays rocks! I love the way he says "powerful". He says it like "pahr-ful".
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