Thursday, March 29

I apologize in advance...

Mama Slinger and I had been talking, and she wanted to start up a Family Blog that is just for the kids and us. She did not want to use this site and take away from what I have done in the past year, so she started a new one HERE. It is still in the works, so keep checking for updates.

I am going to keep the name and URL of this blog the same, so there will be no need for anyone to update anything (I know Drier HATES that) and I will make this strictly a humor and useless information site, pretty much the same way it was when I started it. I may be changing the layout though, not sure yet. I am going to play around with a few ideas and see what happens. I like this layout, but the font choices are not easy to manipulate, and the small default print sucks.

So McGone, I apologize if I change the layout too much for your delicate eyes, but you have been warned.


Drier said...


Well, alright then.

McGone said...

Thanks for thinking of me, sport.

Anonymous said...

You like how I think about YOU, the reader, when it comes to making changes? I'm cool like that.