TGI Groundhog Day
That's right, it's Groundhog Day! Today we get to listen to Phil predict the coming of spring. Awesome.
Between issues with Blogger and this thing called a "job", I have been light on the posts this week, so I will do a little recap today...
First, and most importantly: 

Seeing as how my company has offices in Indianapolis, there has been some trash talking going back and forth, so we will see who has the last laugh come Monday.
Family Update:
Isabel had her 6 month check-up yesterday, she weighs in at 18.1 lbs (actually lost a few) and 27 inches long. She is very healthy and got 3 shots, but she did good. She is almost crawling now, she does the military crawl and moves around the room pretty well. Dr. gives it about 2 weeks and she will be crawling all over the place.
Brett has been early to rise all week, usually up at 5am! He is cutting his first molars, and 3 of them are in, the 4th one is still pushing through so I am sure that is what wakes him up. He is talking so much now, and trying to form whole sentences.
Ryan is in his terrible three's. Not listening, acting crazy and yelling at Brett. But he is still funny and goofy as always. He thinks he is the ruler of the house sometimes, but we make sure we bring him back to reality.
Other than that, it was the usual work week, along with the usual cold weather of a February in Chicago. It was 8 when I walked into work this morning, nice!
Peyton Manning.
Laser Rocket Arm.
That's all I'm saying.
Thanks for your support on my blog. So far I'm feeling pretty lonely in Okieville with my Bear rooting. I do stand by my decision, however, and there will be pics of me swathed in navy and orange for Monday's entry. (I think)
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