Thursday, January 18

When did you get such a vocabulary?

It amazes me everyday how my 3yr old talks. I know he is supposed to talk, and it is all what he is learning, but there are some days that I just want him to STOP TALKING!!!

The past few days we have heard him say some of the funniest stuff. Last night I was playing with the boys and running around, and Ryan said "Daddy, don't do that. Yur crazy!" I just had to laugh. The other night he had told mommy the same thing.

He has recently started to repeat stuff he knows from TV shows or movies. He still says something that we can't understand, but he says Randall from Monsters, Inc. says it.

My favorite is when you tell him not to do something and put him in a time out, he says "daddy, don't say that. that makes me cry! Then after that I wipe my tears away and all better!" Do you have any idea how hard it is to try and discipline a toddler when you are trying NOT to laugh? And then when you laugh, the child laughs and then anything you just told them is out the window. And to think I get to go through this TWO MORE TIMES!!!

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