Monday, January 22

Miscellaneous Monday

DA BEARS! I can't believe we are actually talking about the Bears in the Super Bowl! I know The Lake is upset to see his Patriots lose, but I think the Bears have a better shot against the Colts. What I am not excited about though, is the 2 week media coverage between now and then. They are going to beat every single aspect of this game into the ground, and build up a huge hype. And the game will probably be a blowout and boring like it usually is.

African-American coaches in the NFL - This is driving me nuts. They made such a big deal about how this is the first time that a black coach has been in the Super Bowl, and now there are 2! I am not being racist here at all, and do agree that this is a historical moment in profession sports, but what bugs me is that a coach is a coach, doesn't matter the color! This may be Jessie Jackson taking over my fingers, but.... This country will never see blacks and whites treated equally. And the reason is that everyone, especially the media, continue to differentiate based on the color of a persons skin! If we could just accept that we are all people, and forget about the shade of skin, this country would be better off. But there are certain people, black and white, that will always make this a sore issue within the USA, and that is pretty sad.

Presidential hopefuls - Now I am not a very political person, and rarely ever post about it, but I had a few thoughts on this. I truly think the next President will be a Democrat. I think the people of the US are fed up with what the Republicans have done over the past 6 years, so there is no doubt in my mind the Dems will win. Saying that...I am not sure who the Democratic candidate will be.

Barack Obama - I think he has some really good ideas, and a fresh outlook on how things need to be done, which would benefit our country greatly, however he has little experience. But when it comes to "experience" for the job of President, does anyone really have that "experience"? I don't care if you have been a senator for 4-6 years, there is really no job that can prepare you to be the center of attention for EVERY. SINGLE. THING. that happens inside these borders. And, like I mentioned above regarding race relations....I am not sure the country is ready to have an African-American President. Even though TV has shown us that the Palmer brothers do a great job on 24! I personally think he would do a great job, but I am not sure he will get the votes to win the Democratic nomination.

Hillary Clinton - I don't know much about her, but personally I do not like her. I think that she just projects a rude, bitchy attitude whenever she is confronted with a tough question. And I am not sure if the United States is ready to have a female President. Honestly, I think that other countries would not take her seriously, and probably think she would not have the balls to order an attack, if it came down to it. And let's not forget, it would make Bill the "First Man" and I am sure he would be advising Hillary on numerous issues. I am not saying Bill was a bad President, he had his flaws, but we were a much more financially stable country under him.

I know there are 5 other Democrats looking to run, but let's be honest here, these two have the best chance. I would be really surprised if John Edwards make it.

Damn Furnace - Our furnace went out again last night, around 10pm. Second time this month! The motor was locked up, so I called a buddy who used to work in HVAC and he helped me get it running temporarily. So we cranked up the heat to 80 last night, and let it warm up so in case it went out again, at least the house would be warm. And it was in the 20s last night so I was not going to risk it. Well, 4am comes around, furnace is out. Temp is still 78 in the house, so we are fine. I have the guys coming out this morning to replace the motor. The furnace is about 15 yrs old, so I am hoping that is all that is wrong and I wont be shelling out $2k for a new one!

*** UPDATE *** A few hundred dollars later, and the furnace is working!

There, I have said my's your mother?


Utah Dagger said...

Bummer about the furnace dude.....good luck with that. Sorry to say I am rooting for the Colts this year...being a Green Bay fan and all. We are having a Super Bowl Party at our house so it should be pretty cool....hopefully it is not a blowout. Not into politics at all so I have no idea on that subject. So when are you going to Colorado and why not Utah????

BPDP said...

Go Bears or Colts! I don't give a hoot, as long as it's a good game!

I do believe it's time for a black man or a woman to run for and possibly become president...just not not the anti-Christ herself, Hilary! Actually, even though I seem to favor the Republican side, I might vote for Oh'Boma, since you're right, the Democrats will probably get this next one. BTW, IMO, I believe Clinton is mostly responsible for the economic slow down after he left office (prior to 9/11, of course)...but don't get me started, right McGone?

Stay warm!


GETkristiLOVE said...

We are so ready to have a female president, just not Hilary. I'm not sure of your thinking - wouldn't a person that projects a bitchy attitude be more than capable to order an attack if she had to? Besides, W. sure projects that he's a bumbling idiot, and people still voted for him.

eslingc said...

Furnace trouble sucks. At least you could actually do something productive about it. I fought for over 6 years to get the evil Carrier at the old place fixed. I had to MOVE to properly fix it! Mark one reason in the "pro" column for buying a house.

It's a shame how the media talks up race issues. They want sensation. I've always considered people to be... well, people! They appreciate being treated with respect no matter what colour their skin is.

On politics: I'm not looking forward to my choices for the Democrat side. Last time I paid attention to Hilary, I wanted to slap her around (this was indeed for the mountain she helped make out of the Hot Coffee molehill). I guess I'll just have to do some research instead of being lazy this time.