Hope for all young women!
Well, for all of those future model hopefuls, this is GREAT news. Just get busted doing Cocaine, and you too, can be a million dollar model!
We live in a messed up society these days. How is it, that a model that was caught doing cocaine, attended rehab, and even was given the nickname 'Cocaine Kate', is now making 3 times the money she was before rehab?!?!
Wow, what a nice message we are sending the young female population these days. I just watched a video clip on CNN and they referred to her as having "a wavy figure"and the style that used to be know as 'heroin sheik'. I don't know about all of you, but this woman disgusts me. I have never found her to be attractive.

It just amazes me how society is applauding her for making a comeback! Before her rehab, she was making $5 Million, now, thanks to the white powder in her nose, she is pulling between $17-20 Million. Yeah, she won't be buying any drugs with that money! Amazing, just utterly amazing.
Now, I need to go to bed, so I can rest and go to my job as a grunt worker, and make enough money to support my family. And while I am sleeping, Cocaine Kate will be snorting rows of Coke with $100 bills, and will probably net about $750,000 while my brain is in R.E.M. state. SWEET DREAMS!
Kate has not, nor ever will, look hot.
She was Johnny Depp's first strike. The second was when he moved to France.
Strike three, anyone?
Yeah, definitely not hot.
And now I'm depressed. Thanks, Slinger.
But no, not hot. Not even a little bit hot. Curves rock!
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