Musical goodness
As I have said before, I loves me some good music. Well thanks to my brother from another mother, [McGone] I have been introduced to some more good music. He gave me Rocco Deluca & The Burden - I Trust You to Kill Me this past weekend, and I LOVE this album.I had never heard of Rocco before this, but McGone generally has the same taste in music as I do, with the exception on Blues. But thanks to him, I am starting to like the more Bluesy music.
Anyway, first time through this CD I was in the car, and really liked what I heard. But listening to it with the ear goggles on improves it by 100%. The beauty of the guitar merging with his vocals is incredible. I could seriously listen to this all day, and I just might!
I suggest this album to anyone that likes music, in general. it is a genuine country/blues rock album that never stops amazing me. Go get it today!
I'm not sure what kind of radio stations you have in your area, but we have an awesome independent station here called CD101. You can listen to it online, which I do while I work. I think you'd really like it! It's I think it's a button called "Listen Live." If you check it out, let me know what you think! =)
Thanks Nicky, I will check it out tomorrow. The stations in Chicago kind of suck lately.
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