Wednesday, November 29
Tuesday, November 28
Flight Explorer
This site is really cool. I see it on Headline News in the morning and the above picture is a real-time snap shot of all the of the commercial and general aviation aircraft currently in-flight in and around the United States. Click HERE to check it out.
And check out this video clip showing the global view of all airplabes in the sky:
Posted by
2:47 PM
Musical goodness
As I have said before, I loves me some good music. Well thanks to my brother from another mother, [McGone] I have been introduced to some more good music. He gave me Rocco Deluca & The Burden - I Trust You to Kill Me this past weekend, and I LOVE this album.I had never heard of Rocco before this, but McGone generally has the same taste in music as I do, with the exception on Blues. But thanks to him, I am starting to like the more Bluesy music.
Anyway, first time through this CD I was in the car, and really liked what I heard. But listening to it with the ear goggles on improves it by 100%. The beauty of the guitar merging with his vocals is incredible. I could seriously listen to this all day, and I just might!
I suggest this album to anyone that likes music, in general. it is a genuine country/blues rock album that never stops amazing me. Go get it today!
Posted by
9:54 AM
Monday, November 27
Cure for the Case of the Mondays
Go watch THIS and laugh your ass off. The music on the trailer is perfect!
Then go watch Spider-Man 3 trailer and see the next big blockbuster of 2007.
And, for some nice suspense, watch ZODIAC. Based on the real events, looks pretty cool IMO.
Posted by
1:46 PM
It has finally happened....
As BPDP pointed out to me Saturday night as we left for the show at 6pm and it was 60 degrees on Nov 25th...."Global Warming has finally caught up to us." Ain't that the truth.Here it is, 4 days away from December and the weather gods on TV are still predicting near 60 for the next few days. But then on Thursday they say it will be 30 and chance of snow. You have to love Midwest Winters! I can remember some years when we would have a ton of snow at Christmas, but others when I was outside riding my bike in a sweatshirt on Christmas. It is actually pretty scary to think about where our world is heading.
All joking aside....I am not a big tree hugger, or Greenpeace advocate, but when you see the effects of mankind over the years, it is pretty disheartening to think about what the planet will be like when my kids are in their 30's. Man has evolved and advanced so much in technology, that we are killing ourselves.
As Perry Ferrel put it:
My friend says we're like the dinosaurs
Only we are doing ourselves in
Much faster than they
Ever did
It just amazes me that in almost 20 yrs since I did a report on Chlorofluorocarbons for a a junior high report, not much has been done to decrease the effects of global warming. All the governments talk about it, but the rich claim it will cause them more money to implement methods in their power plants. So the rich stay rich, and the world continues to die.
Sorry, I normally do not go all "earthy" but when I watch a program on how the Northern Arctic ice sheet is smaller every year, and it is causing the natives to lose food, it really spells out how bad this is.
Then I saw this photo on Google and it makes you think about what the future holds:
Posted by
10:41 AM
Sunday, November 26
Saw Casino Royale last night with McGone and BPDP. Daniel Craig is by far the best James Bond, IMO. I have no review on this except that it ROCKED!Go read THIS for a full take on it from McGone.
Posted by
7:38 AM
Friday, November 24
Giving of Thanks
Well, another Thanksgiving has come and go, and I will be eating Turkey for the next week. It's all good though. This year we went out to Thomson to have Thanksgiving at Gramma E's place. Majority of my dad's family still lives there, and it has been a few years since we had it out there. Was nice to go back, even if dad was not with us. My cousin Dawn has 2 boys and they play well with Ryan and Brett, so we knew the kids would have fine.
I can sum up yesterday with a few choice words:
1. Travel - 2 hours drive each way, over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house. Seriously, we go over a river and through some woods.
2. Snots - all 3 kids have come down with colds, so there were lots of sneezes, coughs and running noses. The van was full of soiled Kleenex when we got home.
3. Turkey - no explanation needed.
4. Vomit - Isabel decided to show off her projectile vomiting skills right before we left the house. Not something you want to see before you get in the car for a 2 hour drive.
5. Wet Pants - on the way back home, about 40 minutes into the drive, I have the following conversation with Ryan:
Ryan - "Daddy, I have to go pee pee"
Me - "Oh buddy, can you hold it for a little bit till we stop?"
Ryan - "OK"
................. 2 minutes later......................
Ryan - "Daddy.... I went pee pee in my pants"
Me - "What?! Really?"
As I lean back to check his pants, all the doubt in my mind was erased as I felt his soaked jeans. Now when I say soaked, I really mean drenched. The boy was literally swimming in his own urine. He shirt was wet all the way up his chest, and his pants were soaked down to the knee.
I know what you are asking yourselves.. "Did you have him go before you left?" But he was asleep when we left, then woke up after he started driving. Thank god we had an extra set of clothes. I changed him in the back, and we were good till we got home. This amazes me.... he can survive a 12 hour trip to PA without an accident, but 2 hours to the western border of IL? Nope. We drove home with the back windows vented the rest of the time.
So I can be thankful that the pee incident was the worst thing that happened, and that everyone arrived back home safely, and fun was had by all. The kids still have the colds today, but seem to be getting a little better. We have one more place to go on Sunday, but that is only 40 minutes away, so lets hope for no accidents.
Posted by
9:18 PM
Wednesday, November 22
So about a month ago I picked up The Information by BECK. And it came with a bonus DVD of videos for each track. I am just now watching the videos and have to laugh at the obvious poor quality of them. Granted, I know to make a real video for a song costs a lot, but these are so low budget it is funny. They consist of Beck, and some other people - probably his friends - playing various parts, with various costumes. One video involves someone in a Grizzly bear costume, playing the drums. Looks like it was done with a hand-held video camera, then edited using some bad 80's video effects.
But I have to give Beck credit for being creative enough to do this for every song on his album. You don't see that everyday.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Day 2
My second day of staying home was not too bad. Very tired today though. My day included the following:
- Watching the 1951 version of Frosty The Snowman about 8 times.
- Taking the boys outside, then cleaning dog poop off the floor when Brett was walking all over the kitchen.
- chasing Ryan outside with the stroller when we went for a walk.
- Holding both Brett and Isabel in the recliner watching TV as they slept.
- Brett throwing up on me before said nap in the chair.
- Brett taking a head first fall off the kitchen table chair onto the hardwood floor - this was pretty damn scary. He had a nice red bump for a while.
- Hearing Ryan say "Daddy, I peed on the floor!"
Posted by
10:14 AM
Monday, November 20
Daddy Daycare
Today I was home with all three kids while our baby sitter is on vacation. Was actually not as bad as I thought it would be. Read about it HERE.
Posted by
4:52 PM
Friday, November 17
Little Buds
Now, I know that I can easily go out there and buy new headphones, but to be honest with you, the Apple ear buds have the best quality sound, IMO. And I know they have those other in-ear ear buds, but I tried those and didn't like them. So I guess I am just trying to find a reason to complain. So shoot me. In the ear.
Posted by
3:33 PM
Creativity rules
While I was surfing some of my fellow bloggers' pages, I came across a post from the MANSIONMOGUL that links to a Flickr site for Michael Hughes. He is taking pictures of his hand holding up souvenirs over the actual landmark/object.
Go check it out HERE. It is pretty funny, and pretty damn creative.
Posted by
1:31 PM
Today is Friday, and for some reason it feels like a Monday. Probably because I watched the news this morning and was so annoyed at what I heard as news.
Tom & Katie’s wedding in Italy. – Do non-celebrities really care what celebrities do in their own life? I don’t. It amazes me at how much time the media spends covering crap like this. Just like RSM said in her post about celebrity break-ups being headline news, it’s retarded. AND, they show Tom and Katie (I refuse to call them the standard media combo name TomKat) and there are flashbulbs popping like crazy, and what do you see? There baby looking like a deer in headlights. So sad that their kid will need glasses at the age of 3.
K-Fed: Should we really be surprised at the events in the past 2 weeks? I think not. We all knew he, and Brit, were trash.
The Duchess wants to be a dancer. :
Play Station 3 – people waiting outside all night in freezing temperatures, thinking they will get one, for a measly $599. I doubt that each store has more than 50 units, but I think most stores were running a lottery type system to see who gets one. Still, retarded if you ask me. And this guy probably agrees with me now.
Christmas /X-mas: I have noticed that we, as a human race, have become lazy. Even when it comes to saying and writing things. Christmas has been shortened to X-mas. Good Morning is usually heard as ‘Morning. And don’t get me started on the LOL and LMAO. Granted these are easy for text messaging, so I can see that. I really do not like the X-mas title, but will admit that I typed it this morning! D’oh!
Posted by
10:05 AM
Thursday, November 16
Daytime TV
Well I am working from home today, and there is NOTHING on TV. I am surfing between various channels and some shows on DVR.
Things I have learned so far:
- Frank Thomas is close to signing a 2-yr deal with the Toronto Blue Jays.
- Mt. KÄ«lauea on the main island of Hawaii is one of the most active volcanoes on the planet.
- No one can do what Countrywide can! Call now for a Combo Loan and lower your payments!
- Bob Barker is old. And I mean old as in "walking dead" How old is this guy now?
- The "NEW" Family Feud is not as good as the old one.
- Hogan DOES Know Best. -I can't believe this guy has his own show-
- MTV should really change their name.
- Home Improvement really was a funny show. But the same thing always happened. Tim did something dumb, asked Wilson for advice, then screws up the advice when he tries to explain it to Jill, making himself look even dumber. Then he grunts.
- SPIKE has a strict morning program format: 4 hours of all variations of WORLDS WILDEST VIDEOS/POLICE VIDEOS.
Posted by
10:42 AM
Wednesday, November 15
The Crue
You have to love moments like these.. I am busy today working a few issues all morning, so after lunch I put on the iPod, and what comes on? Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue! YEAH BABY! Just what I needed!
Posted by
2:06 PM
About 7 years ago I saw a special on TV about Mt. Everest and was amazed that people actually pay up to $40,000 to climb it and risk their lives. I was in awe of this mountain and decided to pick up a book about the deadliest expedition on the history of the mountain.

- As of the end of the 2004 climbing season, 2,238 people had reached the summit (1,148 of them since 1998) and 186 people died while summitting. The conditions on the mountain are so difficult that most of the corpses have been left where they fell (estimated 120 bodies still on Everest); some of them are easily visible from the standard climbing routes.
- Most expeditions use oxygen masks and tanks above 26,000 feet (8,000 m); this region is known as the death zone. Everest can be climbed without supplementary oxygen but increases the risk to the climber. Humans do not think clearly with low oxygen, and the combination of severe weather, low temperatures, and steep slopes often require quick, accurate decisions.
- Mountain climbers are a significant source of tourist revenue for Nepal; they range from experienced mountaineers to relative novices who count on their paid guides to get them to the top. The Nepalese government also requires a permit from all prospective climbers; this carries a heavy fee, often more than $25,000 per person.
- Mt Everest is twice as high as any mountain in the Rocky Mountains. The highest peak in the Rockies is Mount Elbert, in Colorado, which is 14,440 feet (4,401 meters) above sea level.
Posted by
10:28 AM
Tuesday, November 14
I loves me some good music.
So I was over at the IHoB for my daily does of Blogcakes, and stumbled on a past one about music and it got me to thinking how much I love music. I am not, nor have ever been, in a band, and I am not musically talented at all, but music has always played a big part in my life. Well, not that it really plays a part in my life, but as far as I can remember, I have listened to and bought album after album, and gone to various concerts. I just love music. As I mentioned before, I can pretty much relate a memory to an album or song that I bought. McGone has the same thing, but his memory is much more detailed than mine. No thanks to my time at NIU with Hopkins and Herman, I am sure. Anyway....
My tastes in music range pretty widely. My favorite genres are Rock and Alternative, but I do dabble in some Rap, mainly older stuff, and a smidgen of Country. Actually, a lot of the music on my iPod is classified as Pop, but nowadays, Pop is such a broad genre, pretty much anything can be put in Pop.Today, my band of choice is The Black Crowes. I first heard the Crowes when I was a junior in high school. Shake Your Money Maker came out, and of course the big singles then were Hard to Handle and She Talks to Angels, which to this date, were never huge hits with me.
I actually did not buy The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion in 1992, but liked a few songs. Over a few years, I kind of forgot about the Crowes.
It wasn't until 1994 in Denver that I had heard part of Amorica and really liked it, so I bought it. To this day I still own the CD that I bought at a used CD store in Aurora, CO., complete with generic price tag on the inside. That album is so good it is ridiculous, I can listen to that CD over and over. After that they had By Your Side and Lions and they were OK, not huge hits though. So for a few years, it was just standard "old" Crowes songs.
Then McGone copied the Greatest hits album for me, and the love affair was renewed. And as the time went on, and the glory that is the Internet came to life, good old McGone stumbled upon the Aquarium Drunkard.
Oh how we love the AD. Free song downloads of unreleased music, including 2 albums from The Black Crowes! Are you kidding me? FREE music on the internet?!?! It was beautiful! Granted the quality was not 100%, but it was good enough to play back on the iPod. And there is some DAMN GOOD tunes on these albums. The Tall Sessions and The Band , as we came to know them, are now morphed into one album on iTunes called The Lost Crowes.
Yeah the quality is much better, but I kind of like the lower quality that I have, gives it a more personal feeling. Almost like I was in the studio with them when they recorded them.
As if I didn't already love the Crowes...on the day my daughter was born, the doctor had his iPod playing on a stereo. And right before she was born, I heard a beautiful sound, one of my favorite Crowes tunes... Thorn in My Pride. It almost brought tears to my eyes before she was even born. Not that the song relates to children or anything, but I just love that song and now it is tied to my memory with one of the most glorious days of my life.
More of my favorites:
Paint an 8
Descender (love the piano in this song)
A Conspiracy
Wiser Time
I could really go on, but you get the idea...
So to sum up.... The Black Crowes rock. I love the Black Crowes. If you have any Crowes albums, go give them a listen and enjoy the audible beauty, then go download The Lost Crowes. If you do not own any albums, then DAMMIT! GO BUY SOME!
Posted by
2:15 PM
Read This - Learn Something
Most of these usually come in the form of a chain email, but I do not send those out. So click on this link and check out some interesting facts:
Posted by
9:48 AM
Monday, November 13
Posted by
10:15 AM
Friday, November 10
Flashback Friday
I do not have a true flashback for today, but I am turning back the clock a bit. I have been listening to nothing but the Led Zeppelin 4 disc Box Set on the iPod. So in a way, I am going back in time. Because listening to Zeppelin makes me think of my time in Colorado with Dahootie. Driving in his little Honda Civic hatchback listening to Zeppelin.
So I am just sitting here listening and chilling out whilst at work, not working very hard.
A few of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs:
Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
Ramble On
Travelling Riverside Blues
Misty Mountain Hop
Going to California
In the Evening
Ten Years Gone
Hey Hey What Can I Do
Over The Hills and Far Away
Gallows Pole
When the Levee Breaks
Communication Breakdown
Stairway to Heaven (good tune, but really gets good at the 6 minute mark)
Yeah, I know... this list is more than a few, but there are so many good songs it is hard to chose just a handful.
In closing, anyone that has some Zeppelin albums, tapes, CD's or mp3 files, go give them a listen and just enjoy the beautiful sounds.
Posted by
3:19 PM
Thursday, November 9
My Flickr Badge
As you all know, I have a Flickr page to share my photos, and I have noticed that I am somewhat addicted to Flickr. So I was playing around on the tools and created myself a little Flickr badge. I feel so cool now!
Flickr has a lot of really cool tools on it, and one of them is you can create a photo book of your selected photos. They will print it up and ship it to you, in a soft cover, bound book, or even a calendar. I have seen a few shots of some and they look really good. Could be a good idea for a Christmas present to the family.
For anyone that uses Flickr, go check this out, it's called QOOP.
Posted by
9:47 AM
Wednesday, November 8
We have this internal messaging program at work called Q, like Yahoo messenger. Well It allows us to talk to other groups we work with, or coworker friends. Thus eliminating the need to call every time.
Well my buddy PH is working from home today and we just had the following conversation. I was laughing so much because PH is a germ freak and always has to clean after every little thing that happens....
PH(15:20:03): they delivered the new furniture
EE(15:20:10): nice
PH(15:20:11): dks
EE(15:20:18): what happened?
PH(15:20:24): the guy asked to use the latrine
PH(15:20:28): DOOKIE
EE(15:20:28): did he ask for a magazine?
PH(15:20:31): not cool
PH(15:20:42): got stains all over toilet
PH(15:20:45): F***
PH(15:20:50): i had to sanitize
EE(15:21:00): HAHAHAHAHA
PH(15:21:12): it stunk up the joint pretty bad
EE(15:21:15): damn
EE(15:21:22): well, when you gotta go, you gotta go
PH(15:21:35): yeah but chk the bowl
PH(15:21:50): make sure there is no chocolate surprise left
Posted by
3:25 PM
Falkirk Wheel
This is by far one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I would love to see it in person, but have only seen photos and a few videos of it. It is in Scotland and is an engineering marvel. This is a rotating boat lift system, connecting the lower Forth and Clyde Canal with the higher Union Canal, which at this point differ by 24 metres, roughly equivalent to the height of an eight story building. The end piece actually rotates to life the boats up to the canal. Amazingly cool.
Check out these links to read more about it:
Compared to the lock and damn system of the Midwest canals, this is like comparing a Sony Walkman to an iPod.
Posted by
2:26 PM
These days
I hate the first week of November during an election year. With all the political commercials, and mass phone calls to my house. Now I have to hear about the flawed voting system, the delay in counting of the ballots (for a race that is already decided) and have to look at that hag Topinka on TV talking about what a great race her team ran. Blah. Blah. Blah.
How is this country ever going to get anything right if year after year we can't even figure out how to vote correctly? Yeah the voting machines may be hard to figure out, if you are a dog, or any other 4 legged animal. As a society, we are just dumb if we can't properly select one choice over the other. Whether it be electronic, or a punch card. I bet the people who say "The voting was too hard to figure out" spend hours sitting on their computer clicking their mouse on the selections they want to purchase from eBay. So if you can figure out eBay, why can't you figure out a simple multiple choice ballot??
Posted by
9:12 AM
Tuesday, November 7
Britney Spears filed for divorce today from her Rap Mogul husband K-Fed. Wow, who didn't see that coming?
Posted by
4:20 PM
To the guy in line at Target,
It's called technology. Words of advice:
1. If you can't operate the stylus pen on the touchpad, you should be paying with cash.
2. If you have to call your wife to get the PIN for your debit card, you should be paying with cash.
3. If you are getting upset at not knowing how to use the touchpad, and getting mad at the cashier for YOUR stupidity, YOU SHOULD BE PAYING WITH CASH!!!
Posted by
9:31 AM
Monday, November 6
Walk On
63 years ago today, my father came into this world and lived a full, eventful life. He was able to travel the world, retire at an early age (55) and do the things he wanted to. He did it the right way, and for that I am grateful. He passed earlier this year, and even though I think his life ended way too soon, I cannot feel bad for the things he was able to do. I only hope that I live my life the same way he lived his.
"You're packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen"
A few days after my father passed, an old friend of mine sent me an email (she lives in Colorado) and said a few nice words. Then she ended it with a simple phrase:
"Don't think of your father as gone, think of him starting a new journey"
And that is so true. He may be gone from this world, but I know he is on a new, wonderful journey. Driving his old '57 Chevy hard top, and smoking a cigar. All the while, looking down on us and his 3 beautiful grandchildren. He was so proud when Ryan and Brett were born, you could see it in his eyes. I just wish he would have been here to see Isabel come into the world, because he always wanted a little granddaughter.
It gets easier every day now, and it has been 7 months. I know he is no longer suffering, and he is in a better place in that aspect. But his life here was his BEST place, and I would much rather him be here, healthy, but I know I can't have that.
Like we always did on his birthday, we probably would have been going out to dinner, and all having a drink. So in his honor, I am sitting here, updating the blog, watching Ice Age and enjoying a nice cold beer. Because I know that he would have been doing the same, minus the blog and movie though.Happy Birthday Dad! We miss you every day and hope you are looking down on us! And I will drink one for you tonight.
*Note: He was not an alcoholic. Like me, he just enjoyed a nice cold beer once in a while.
Posted by
6:04 PM
Sunday, November 5
Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!!
Since I am doing the NaBloPoMo - I have to post everyday, so needless to weekend posts may be pretty boring.
But today I got a lot done. I had the boys outside again playing in the leaves. Then my father-in-law helped me put up shelves in the garage, much needed too! Now I can organize!
Then we watched the Bears get stomped by the Dolphins 31-13, COME ON, The Dolphins? REALLY?!?! Bad game. But I then watched my other team, the Broncos, beat up on the Steelers 31-20. A little payback for the AFC playoffs last year.
So, this ends my first weekend blogging, as part of the deal I made with Fussy. Hopefully they will get better from here on out.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Saturday, November 4
I thought work ended on Friday!?
Here it is, Saturday night at 7:43pm and I am still working an issue from last night. I was working from home until 12:30am last night, and had to keep an eye on this all day today. So much for a weekend!
I did get to spend some time with the kids today though. I raked up all the leaves so they could jump in them. It was in the 40's here, so it was not all that cold. They had a blast.
** UPDATE ** Here it is 9:33pm and I am STILL working on this same issue from yesterday. Unbelievable! Looks like this may run into tomorrow as well. Damn! Good thing I took Monday off!
Posted by
4:10 PM
Friday, November 3
Darwin - The real truth
This is probably the FUNNIEST. THING. EVER!
You have to go watch this NOW!
Posted by
3:20 PM
Flashback Friday
This week's flashback comes to you courtesy of Blind Melon. For those of you not familiar with Blind Melon, click [HERE]. I can remember listening to Blind Melon while sitting in my car on my lunch break. (more than likely I was eating Taco bell, it was all the rage back then)
Blind Melon brings back memories of working at the car wash with many of my friends right out of high school. McGone and Utah Dagger being 2 of those friends. (Sorry BPDP - you sucked back then.)
Originally it was Turtle Wax, then became Softee Wash.
Anyway, there are WAY TOO MANY stories of those few years of our lives to include here, so I will just summarize a few of my favorites. Most of these events happened at the car wash, the others happened elsewhere, but involved coworkers.
- Utah Dagger getting wasted at Gary's place, falling down the stairs, then puking up all the fruit loops he chowed while getting his ass handed to him in Quarters.
- Playing Pictionary on the inside windows on rainy days
- Fooling Bumgardner into thinking he had to check the oil on cars that he dried off
- Climbing up on the roof and dropping various things onto coworker, during work hours.
- Having to go wake up Olie's drunk ass in the morning because it was past 8, and we had no way to get in the building. Then Olie giving us the keys, and money to get donuts.
- "someone" stealing the bubble gum machine
- Harvey and Murphy putting a chicken nugget in the microwave, and cooking it on high for 99:99 minutes. Which resulted in this horrible stench followed by the blackest smoke I have ever seen.
- Putting a HUGE dead rat on Jeremy Johnson's car, and hearing him scream like a 12 yr old girl when he found it.
Ah, the days of working at the car wash. Like I said, I could go one for a while, but it would be the biggest post ever. Was always nice to go home with a pocket full of cash you earned while screwing around. By far, probably the funnest job I ever had.
Posted by
2:03 PM
Thursday, November 2
I may regret this...

Seeing as how I usually post on here every weekday from the comfort of my cube, I will have to make time on the weekends to post a little nugget of useless info. The real test will be over the Thanksgiving Holiday. 4 days of eating and traveling may make for some short posts.
I started yesterday, since this runs for the month of November. So fear not, my loyal readers…you will be able to see my Class A blogging every day! That is, as long as you log on every day...and as long as writers block does not set in.
Posted by
1:25 PM
Photo Studio
So last night I was thinking. "hey, I have a nice camera, let's try to take some nice photos of the boys. Kind of like our own photo studio" So we got the boys dressed in something decent, put up a nice sheet as a back drop and I got the camera ready. BTW, the sheet looked totally trashy.
What followed in the next 15 minutes convinced me that we will be taking them to a professional studio from now on.
Ryan did nothing but act goofy, Brett would not sit still, and the little table I put together for them 2 weeks ago, lost a leg. Seriously, I was sweating so much from trying to get them to sit together, and keep Ryan from jumping all over the place! NEVER. AGAIN.
I will admit though, what shots I did get of them, made us laugh so much last night, so I decided to share them with you all. Yeah, they may not be professional quality, but the fact that they made Mama Slinger and I laugh so much, made it well worth the pain we went through.
* You do not need to login, just click on the picture to access the photos.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Wednesday, November 1
Battlestar Galactica
I know, you are probably thinking...HUH?! Well thanks to my cube neighbor, I just got a 20 minute rundown of the storyline behind the new Battlestar Galactica, and how it differs from the original. I don't watch it, don't remember the original, yet he kept telling me about all the characters. Thanks dude. Feels like Monday now.
Posted by
10:11 AM
Candy Wars
And so it begins. Last night Ryan and Brett were fighting over candy, while were still out trick-or-treating! I had Brett in the stroller and Ryan was walking, but once Ryan's bucket got full, I gave him Brett's to use.
Posted by
8:51 AM