Flashback Fridays
I know McGone has this, but the wife thinks it is weird. Anyway… I have a pretty good memory, but it seems to be tied directly to music. I don't mean just a single song, I am talking a whole album. I can think of a song or band, and I can remember where I was when I bought the CD or saw them in concert. One particular band, I can remember buying each of the 5 CD's I have, and what point in my life I was at. I can hear a song on the radio from a certain band, and immediately I will think about a certain time in my life that the song relates to. I don’t have the lovey dovey songs that remind me of ex-girlfriends, these are more random memories. Since I have this ALL THE TIME, I decided to do a weekly post on it; Flashback Fridays
This week’s flashback comes courtesy of Urge Overkill:
Flashback to Northern Illinois University –This is where I first heard of Urge Overkill and I was hooked on the song Sister Havana. I played it over and over, much to the dislike of my psycho roommate J.W. Ah, good ‘ol J.W. Thanks to McGone, he jinxed me with a bad roommate. [Before I went to NIU, McGone had joked about how I was going to get some weirdo roommate that watched me sleep and had a poster with a cat hanging from a tree that said “Hang in There!”] Well, I get to NIU, meet J.W. and sure enough, he is a weirdo. He was a big-time computer geek, and back in 1993 it was not the internet, it was all ICQ and coded chat rooms, and online DOOM gamers. Well, he used to log onto our phone everyday and talk to people online, about games. He would let us play games from time to time, but he one strict rule – NO DRINKING BY THE KEYBOARD! Yeah, we always drank by it when he was gone.
Well – as for the poster, it was not a cat, but a Raccoon hanging from a branch. THANKS McGONE! And he had a mop of hair like Cousin It, and he would always mumble to himself while he did things.
Well, McGone would stop by once in a while to get me for breakfast before class, and one time he knocked, but no answer, I was still sleeping. I slept in A LOT! So McGone tried the door to see if he could wake me up, and it was unlocked, so he opened it. IN a quick split second he saw J.W. sitting in his bed and there was a flurry of sheet activity as he tried to cover himself up. Then McGone just said “oh, I was trying to wake up Eric, sorry” I was still sleeping, McGone left before waking me up, don’t blame him. From what we can gather… DUDE WAS JACKING OFF WHILE WATCHING ME SLEEP!
After that, I had enough. That week I talked to the R.A. and I moved in with Ralph, down the hall. His roommate had got kicked out of school, so it worked out good for both of us. I talked to J.W. a few times the rest of the year, but he was a nut case. He made everyone on the floor feel uncomfortable.
Main reason for posting this was, we saw Urge Overkill in concert at NIU, and this girl Amy Lovell came up to go with us. I failed to tell her I had a girlfriend - Jules. So McGone, Jules, me and Amy all leave for the concert, and then Amy realizes that Jules is my girlfriend. I felt bad for not saying anything. Oh well. We rocked at the concert, mosh pit dude annoyed McGone and we actually got his shoe off of him and threw it at him as he attempted to crowd surf. After the concert, we all went to La Salsa (thanks McGone, for the name) for quesadillas and Amy went home. I felt bad, Amy thought she was going to stay with me, we had a good friendship, but I think she thought it was going to be more, but I was not honest with her. We are still friends now, when I see her.
Gotta love reading stories of past girls on here.
The keyword here is "past," MamaSlinger. And, I can say, none of them hold a candle to you. :)
OMG. You have some great stories to tell, huh? Your story about the roommate who was busy, uh... err... entertaining himself is classic. Probably not so funny to you then, but hilarious to hear now!
Yeah, it actually pains me to even think about it now.
Pains you? I was the one who saw the "flurry of sheet activity." Best part was he got pissed at me for not knocking... but I did knock. He just didn't hear it because he was probably at "fever pitch."
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