Birthday Blues
Well our beloved McGone is 34 yrs old. And well on his way to 40, as he told me this morning. So in celebration of that, I have posted this photo I took and altered, to show age. The road in the photo represents life, and the tree on the left represents the age 40.
So you see Shawn, as you said, the road is getting shorter!
Sorry, I know I always give you shit for getting old when I am only 9 months younger than you.
When you turned 30, I joked about how the movie XXX opened on your birthday. I believe the wording was:
"Isn't it weird how XXX - which is 30 in roman numerals, opens on the day that you turn 30?
And when you turned 33, I believe I was going to buy you a case of Rolling Rock, because of the number 33 on the bottles.
All in good fun and done out of love buddy!
*********USELESS INFO ALERT*********
Since the theme of this site is useless information (we got tons!) here are my celebrity birthday buddies:

Scully, The Hulk, A Mummy, and a Crack Head. Happy birthday to all.
So you see Shawn, as you said, the road is getting shorter!
Sorry, I know I always give you shit for getting old when I am only 9 months younger than you.
When you turned 30, I joked about how the movie XXX opened on your birthday. I believe the wording was:
"Isn't it weird how XXX - which is 30 in roman numerals, opens on the day that you turn 30?
And when you turned 33, I believe I was going to buy you a case of Rolling Rock, because of the number 33 on the bottles.
All in good fun and done out of love buddy!
*********USELESS INFO ALERT*********
Since the theme of this site is useless information (we got tons!) here are my celebrity birthday buddies:

Scully, The Hulk, A Mummy, and a Crack Head. Happy birthday to all.
Hey, I'll still take the case of Rolling Rock.
Actually I think I was going to buy you a 40oz, but didn't have time.
You had a year.
And I'll take a 40oz. Stop trying to weasel out of your promises.
Happy Birthday. I will buy a round the next time. When ever that is!
Happy Birthday, Shawn!
I tried to get you a Catherine Bach bobble head doll last night at the Birdcage (no, not a strip club...the home of the Sioux Falls Canaries). It was Dukes of Hazzard Night last night and 1000 lucky fans got a free C.B. bobble head...I was one of the probably about 25 UNlucky fans who didn't get one! Sorry!
BPDP you even still live in Morris? We should run a trace on all the posts you have made from all of your so-called "work" locations.
Yeah, the Birdcage is ballpark, whatever. I think you were probably here!
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