Thursday, April 19

Random Thoughts

  • Who else out there watches LOST? No matter how much people complain about how this season has been slow, this is still one of the most original shows on TV. Last night's episode was awesome and left you with just enough edge to spark the imagination, which is why I love this show. I like mind benders that don't totally leave you in the dark. Some will argue that last sentence, but I think the people that complain the most are those that have no imagination, or are too stubborn to see the bigger picture. That's all I have to say.

  • I have complained before about the media, and this weeks events at Virginia Tech support my complaints. This was a horrible tragedy, no doubt about that. But for every network to have an interview station set up on campus 3 days later and STILL interviewing people is driving me nuts. Anything they report on now will not change anything, and playing the shooters video on every newscast is making it worse. The media is helping this sicko do exactly what he planned from the beginning, torture people. I look at it this way....he went on a rampage, and those that lived through it are now suffering by seeing his face on TV every 5 minutes. It's just messed up. And, not to take sympathy on the shooter, but what about his family and what they are going through? Not that it needs to be reported, but I am sure they are just as shocked at this and will never be treated the same, all because of the actions of their son. It does, however, raise the question of how he was raised, and that can fall on the parents shoulders. Ok, that's all I have to say about that.

  • Sunjaya was voted off Idol last night! I was so heart....oh wait, that's right. I. DON'T. CARE. MamaSlinger watches this and I usually see bits of it, but have actually never seen this kid sing, until last night. And DAMN! How did he get that far? Seriously, he was horrible! granted, he had just stopped crying (come on dude!) after being voted off, so I am sure he was not bringing his A game. Either way, thank god I will stop hearing about this helmet head all over the place.

  • My cube neighbor is a nice guy, and a fan of LOST, so we get along pretty well. But I draw the line when he starts telling me that he shaved his beard off so the intimacy with his wife would increase. (he went into much more detail though) I had to tell him "Ok Steve, that's not what I needed to know." Like I said, nice guy, but sometimes he talks too much.


Mama Slinger said...

EWWWWWW - I think my lunch is about to come up on random though #4. EWWWWW again!

Let me make it known that this guy, although very nice, talks with the WORST lisp! It's like Cindy Brady! Totally disgusting and one of my biggest pet-peeves!

Slinger said...

He can't help it though, but he does tend to spit when he talks as well!

And yeah, EWWWWW, just be lucky you didn't catch the live version!

Nicole P. said...

I was just headline-hopping and saw that Sanjaya is hiring a body guard and is going to the White House Correspondence Dinner. Why are we as a country rolling out the red carpet for this idiot?

*please note I don't watch American Idol but am still sick of this guy just from all the web buzz.

And regarding #4, one of the partners at my firm told our new associate "Hey, nice thigh tickler" in reference to the beard the associate is now sporting. We all gagged and told him to shave it but a consensus was had that he must keep it for all the suffering bearded men in the world.

Drier said...

Out of curiosity, does Steve-with-the-lisp care that you talk about his beard on your blog?

Also, forcing viewers to watch the VT gunman's manifesto on network TV is unpardonable. All I wanted was to see news about the Sox's no-hitter with my son, but I had to mute the sound...then the local news station posted up captions with select quotes from the video. WTF?

I talk about it a little on the Lint Filter.

Anonymous said...

Steve knows nothing about this blog, and good thing, I have talked about him a few times.

FD said...

I saw the first episode of the 2nd half of the season. Then I tivoed the next 5 and watched them back to back to back to back to back. I keep finding that shows you watch in these marathon sessions you get to see the momentum much more than when you watch it for a week and then wait.