Monday, April 23

Paradise, with a burger.

To this day, I still do not see why people love Jimmy Buffet. On lunch I heard what is arguably the worst song ever made, Cheeseburger In Paradise. I actually sat and listened to it and I am still amazed how this song is such a huge hit! I just don't get it.


Valerie said...

Oh, let's make a club, "People that don't see why other people love Jimmy Buffet". You and I can be the founding members. I don't get it either.

FD said...

I think there is a big crossover with JB and Larry the Cable Guy Fans.

Drier said...

I have a friend who dragged me to one of his concerts, and I wasn't sure what to make of it. I think it's music for people who a) own private planes, b) enjoy tropical beverages more than food, and/or c) dropped out of society to live on a beach.

And don't get me started on the Grateful Dead...

Slinger said...

oh, dont get me started on Larry the Cable Guy either.

Anonymous said...

The Jimmy Buffet love must be an age thing, my parents, and most people I know between 50-60 like him. Being in my 30's, I never really cared for him.

Jen said...

LOL Jimmy Buffet is a cultural thing. Hes an aquired taste not well known to those under 40.

I suppose I wouldnt know about him at all..But my parents felt I needed a well rounded education. lol