Tuesday, February 13

Vacation Details

So, we are back from our little vacation in Colorado. The weather was great, and the scenery was incredible. They could have used a little more snow, but who am I to complain? To be able to go from flat Illinois to almost 13,000 feet, and ski, is better than anything I can think of right now.

Click on picture to go to Flickr photos

Our trip was pretty much like a second honeymoon. This was the first time we had been away for that long without the kids, and it was pretty nice. The house we stayed in was BEAUTIFUL, and had awesome views. The weather was perfect, in the mid 30's and the skiing was great! I forgot how good it feels to be standing on a mountain at 12,000 ft and just be able to look out over all the beautiful views. We really do live in a beautiful country, you just have to get off your ass and go check it out! Which we plan to do a lot more as the kids get older.

Amy did great for her first time skiing. We had an instructor and she was skiing the green runs by lunch time, and was pretty high up as well. I am very proud of her! We only skied the one day, but after that one day our legs were pretty much shot. I probably could have gone 2 days, but I may have been coming home in a wheelchair. My friend Brian and his woman Cindy were also in Breckenridge this weekend, so we hooked up with them a few times for dinner and drinks. Brian actually got altitude sickness the first night and went into one of the Oxygen bars to get oxygen. Yes, they have stores where you can get scented/flavored oxygen if you are having trouble breathing. it probably didn't help that he had a margarita when he got there, but that is Brian's weakness!

Driving in the mountains is one of my favorite things. I could seriously just rent a car and drive all over Colorado and that would be a great vacation for me. We drove up and over Berthoud Pass (elev. 11, 307 ft) on the Continental Divide. The weather did not cooperate so we had no great views, and Amy was getting freaked out at the steep roads and bad conditions. But we obviously made it back alive.

One thing we noticed as we flew with all the security measures now... you can't have finger nail files, or clippers in your carry on, they will take it away at security. BUT... once you get through security, you can purchase said items in any of the magazine shops! Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?

Anyway, go check out the photos and enjoy what we saw for 5 days. Our next trip out to Colorado will probably be in the summer time in a few years. I have never been out there in Summer, only been out there to ski.


Nanette said...

I checked out your flickr stream. It was just like a mini-vacation for me! :D Thanks for sharing!

I'm a little jealous--oh, who am I kiddding, I'm extremely jealous. :P

McGone said...

Looks like a terrible place to be. I'm very sorry you two had to suffer through that.

It's pretty sad when you have to go skiing to warm up... it was -250ยบ with the wind chill back here while you were gone. Gotta love Illinois in February.

Some Guy said...

Looks like a great vacation! I'm surprised read there wasn't much snow.

Anonymous said...

Chris - they had a 50" base, but the season total was only about 150", well below their average I was told. Still was good for me to ski on!