Friday, January 19

Three Day Weekend

Well, not really. But I was off of work today, only because our nanny was involved in a pretty serious accident this morning, and had to have her car towed from the scene. So I stayed home with the kids, and MamaSlinger worked a half day and came home in the afternoon. Was pretty nice, because it now seems like I have a three day weekend.
Now that the little girl is almost 6mos old, it is a lot easier to stay home with all three of them. She eats jar food now and the boys pretty much are happy as long as they have food and some shows to watch. I played basketball with them today inside and turned on Sirius radio channel on DISH and they danced for a little bit.
The oldest was in rare form today. He goes through phases, well actually it is like every hour of every day, where he is just SO LOUD! And today he was saying EXCUSE ME when he wanted something. Even though he was being very polite, it was driving my crazy! But then I heard him tell Brett "that's stupid Brett". Yeah I quickly put an end to that.
Well as we were eating lunch, Ryan was playing and I told him to come back and finish his lunch, or I was going to eat it. (scare tactic that actually works. He may not be eating it, but he HATES the thought of someone else eating his food) So he comes running into the kitchen and I hear a thud and see him fall behind me. He ran directly into my chair, full steam, and it knocked him clean off his feet. Now, keep in mind, he had PLENTY of room to avoid my chair, so I am not sure exactly what he was doing.
At first I thought maybe just his foot hit it, but as soon as I heard the crying and he got up holding his forehead, I knew exactly what happened. I pick him up to let him know it was OK, but the more I thought about his direct encounter and the lack of his ability to change direction, I started to laugh. He must have been running so fast, that either he couldn't change direction in time, or he tried to stop and failed. All I know is that he hit my chair HARD, so I am thinking the former.
I almost wish I could have seen it happen from behind him so I could see him get knocked off his feet. Because he fell hard and quick. I know it sounds mean, but it was too funny. His head has got to be one hard ass melon to withstand all the times he has hit it.

1 comment:

McGone said...

Well, he gets that "hard ass melon" thing from me, his real father.

For those just tuning in, this is an on-running joke between Slinger and myself, the actual father of his oldest son.

But remember that time you tried to kill me a few years ago and I landed on my head? Yeah, the hard ass melon comes in handy.