Tuesday, January 23

Monday Night TV

I think the TV gods* are trying to make me go crazy. They have made Monday night almost impossible to schedule anything around! Prison Break, 24 AND Heroes??? COME ON! There are only a few hours at night that I can stay up and watch all of this!!!

Prison Break returns from it's hiatus and of course is full of twists, because nothing is as it seems on that show. Was a really good episode and of course, the body count continued to rise.

24 is in hour 5 and DAMN!!! Like McGone said, the Bauer family is all kinds of jacked up. I will not spoil anything (although McGone did, so BEWARE), but just say that if you watched last season, and missed last night's episode, then you missed something HUGE! Not a whole lot of action last night, but a lot of pieces are starting to fall into place.

Heroes returns also, AT THE SAME TIME AS 24!!!! So I had to DVR that and watch it this morning when I was up with the baby. Very good episode, and this show just gets better and better.

* I realize TV is run by companies and producers, but on a night like last night, they were Gods.


FD said...

There is the old quote, that Beer is proof that "God loves us". DVR is proof that God is Awesome. In fact if the preachers came and said, look come down and for an hour this week just praise God for creating men who then created DVR, I think church attendence would be way up.

Slinger said...

Wow, that is the perfect explanation! I should praise the DVR Gods!